4 Mistakes You probably Make When You Rent.

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Stop wasting MoneyDEC!.png

1. Avoid the clock

This might be obvious for most reader, but this hits pretty much every single beginner in the game!
Splinterlands has a function called "cooldown" that stops cards from being used by more than one player in a certain time-period.
Meaning: If you rent a card, that somebody else used before you, you just wasted your money!

How do you check for cooldown? Easy! Avoid this clock, if you rent:


2. Don't rent for weeks (SPS!)

I often see people rent for weeks at a time! That might make sense, if you have a particularly good deal on a card and are afraid of losing it, if you forget to extend the rent, but most of the time it's just a random bunch of cards. When you rent cards you will only pay for the current day. The rest of your rent is going into escrow, so that you can get it back, in case the rent is cancelled prematurely. The problem with that is the airdrop! If you invest a big chunk of money into the rent, you are losing valuable airdrop-points. You can always extend your rent on peakmonster.com Just go for the bulkview and click on the following icon:


3. Rent for half price!

There is another reason, I don't want you to rent for long periods. You can play two daily quests on one rent, if you're smart! The daily quest-timer starts the second you start your first quest and your renting period of 24 hours starts when you click "rent".
So let's exlpoit this! After activating your daily quest, wait for 4-6 hours before you start renting and gaming. This way you can start the next daily quest in 18-20 hours and have time to play the next quest with the sameday rent!
One day rent for two daily quest. This is the biggest moneysaver in this post! Mark it well!

4. Don't marry your rented cards.

This is another trick involving peakmonsters.com. If you don't listen to me and rent for a longer period, you have to stay flexible.
Make sure to regularly check the rentals market for cheaper options and switch to a cheaper object.
Also make sure to check for alternatives. You don't HAVE to play Llamakron to move through bronze! If a certain combo is too expensive or not working anymore be ready to experiment with others. This is the beauty of rentals. You can learn about the game and try out tons of cards, without getting married to them!



What do you guys think? Does this make sense? Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to like and subscribe!


Good post, keep doing quality content ;)

CASSIDY_Default_Cyan_Taunt_Raise Your Vote_12_299x437.png

Thanks some great tips

These are really really solid tips. Another tip would be to sort by lowest price rentals on peakmonsters... they should be willing and learn how to play with whatever good deals pop up daily

Thanks. Great idea. Look for opportunities instead of trying to bash your head through the wall.
I might actually try that out myself to see if I come up with more creative deck ideas.

Man, if I only knew this ealier (and if I was smart and not a thick head know all of nothing...) ...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Haha. Yeah. You never stop learning. Currently I'm learning about sniping rentals and using the favorites function of peakmonsters to keep refreshing the market. Got myself some great deals. A chicken below 1 DEC/day feels like a lottery win.

Wow, 1 dec/ day? It's almost a dream.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

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I think it's more helpful if you talked about to consider abilities of the card before renting
Few days ago I rented our a legendary card but it's don't have any attacking ability, it have only a ability to avoid some enemies attacks
Another issue I want to learn about is sometimes before renting it shows card a more then one abilities but after renting it have only one ability

Make sure the check what level of card you are renting. most cards have abilities that only appear above a certain level. Related to this, is that the card's level is capped by the summoner you are playing. So even if you rented a higher level card, you won't get the extra abilities if your summoner level is too low. You can see if this is the case if there is an exclamation above the card when you are selecting it pre-battle. Finally, the leagues themselves have level limits, so even if you have a high enough level summoner and rented a high enough level card, you STILL may not be able to play the card at the level you rented it at.

There is lots to keep track of, but once you've been playing for a bit this will all become second nature to you.

@brucolac thank you so much for sharing this experience based information, believe me it's really helpful for me and all other readers who are able read this comment

Good advice, keep up the good work :)