Scattershot+Equal Opportunity=EZ WIN

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Scattershot is a skill of a card whererin it will randomly hit an enemy neglecting the taunt skill.

Equal opportunity ruleset gives every card on the field an opportunity skill in which it will target the lowest health card.


Whenever an equal opportunity ruleset is active on a certain match. A player most likely will put a card with a taunt skill for the rest of the cards or supports cards to do their job and kill the enemy before they kill the tank (which is the card with a taunt). That is the basic tactic whenever equal oppurtunity is active.

some tactic is also adding up speed or shields like pyre because hitting the enemies low health cards can cause massive impact and win you the game. I remember when i still cling on the mylor lineup, i am always defeated by a pyre comp in low mana because the serpentine spy always targets the wood nymph even though i put a chicken and ooze as a bait and causing my match in a lose result. The point is, most low hp cards impacts so much in the game most of the time. And when Equal Opportunity ruleset is active you should always want to hit first before the enemy or you should atleast let your cards perform their job before the enemy does and much higher speed compared to your oppenent may lead to clutch misses. That's why speed is important in the game. Shield can also save your supports from dying or divine shields. One or two hits can save you a card or two and may win you an unfavorable matchup.


At first i didn't thought that scattershot will be usable in the match because of its unreliability in matches. First, it cant target a single target that may be important in the match such as healers or shield-givers. The risk is so much that i always thought that it may lead to a losing match even though im on the winning side. Scattershot may hit insignificant cards such as 0 mana cards. But when i tried chaos dragon level 2 (level 2 is the best due to the Blast effect) i can see that all my worries are becoming true but somewhat the blast of the attack saves me from such worries but at the same time not the optimal targeting. But at some point, if you dont know what to put. You can use the chaos dragon, it is still OP for me (if level 2)


I dont know if many already know about this but Scattershot negates taunt and follows the oppurtunity rule

I once experienced it with a 99 manacap i put my level 2 chaos dragon and my enemy puts in a shieldbearer and to my surprise, the chaos dragon hit all the lowest enemy cards and caused me to stomp the game and since then, i am always using the scattershot when equal opportunity is an active rule in a match because it is just unfair when you can hit the enemy's supports when your enemy is still hitting your taunt tank