I've finally purchased enough cards to keep my power level in Bronze II without renting, so I was wondering which summoner I should purchase for keeps out of these few..
Mylor Crowling:
Mylor is always good card to have in hand since it will give all of your monsters Thorns. And when dealing with a rushing Fire deck or more of a melee attack layout, it can make or break the match by even one attack with thorns attacking back. You can also use this to advantage on 1 Mana cards like the Ooze to get a damaged attack from a monster that normally can't attack at all. Being a 3 mana cost, it's always an attractive idea to go that route. As it sits now, the card is worth $38.49 for a level 1 card.
Alric Stormbringer:
Alric is more of a niche card, but that niche could wipe out a lot of melee/ range teams. Having a low 3 mana count like Mylor, he allows you to make up a heavy magic hitting team. This would usually render any armor null, and if you can mix this with other abilities like the pixies having fly. This matchup can be very dangerous. It seems that this is no secret since just over the past 2 weeks, Alric has gone from ~$25 USD to sitting at $145 at the time of posting this. A lot of people rent out Alric, but adding him to your deck would definitely benefit with gaining value.
Brighton Bloom:
This one's a no brainer, and can be very useful in certain ruled matches. Brighton Bloom changes all of your team to have the flying ability. Not only does this help with the earthquake ruleset (why most people would use it). But it would also help with melee/range heavy attackers. Not only does it cover these bases, but it's also the cheaper of the three at this moment of posting this sitting at ~$12 USD. And to be honest, I don't ever see this card losing its value since it will always help against these issues.
What are your thoughts?
Out of these three summoners, which would you choose if you had to pick one? I'm totally not a whale, it took me a while to get myself nice and comfy in Bronze II, but if you were a newbie what you see as the best investment? Any input is well appreciated. Are there other summoners you see as a better deal, or better strategy? Is there a good strategy you use with these summoners? Let me know!
And always, happy gaming Hive Family!
I'm a bronze II player too (with no renting)
I would buy one or two (to level up) of the CL summoners, the "old" summoners, I think, would be more useful to rent, their price is too high if we consider the CP
That's awesome advice. Thanks for that. And yeah, all the research I've been doing has been more so with the renting of those summoners. Any advice on the CL summoners to level up?
I'm not an expert, so I'll just share my idea :)
Before you decide I think you should open your packs, then you should choose the best summoner who fits with your new cards.
I read a guide where an expert says that for a newbie are more important the monsters, and to rent the summoners to reach the silver league.
I think he considered the $/BCX: a rare monster is under 1 dollar, the cheapest summoner is over 3 dollars, if you like to own cards than renting them, I would tell you to buy monsters and rent summoners.
Personally, I don't like to rent, so probably that's what I will do...
Unless summoners become really cheap, in that case, I would probably go for the cheapest (probably the light summoner)
(sorry for the English, I'm Italian)