First of all, this is @valhallagod (Aggy's account) that I am playing. Thank you so much sir @aggroed for the opportunity on playing this account! ❤️
- Trample will retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units.
Tip: Prime use case for Summoner Possibilus the Wise.
Born Again
- All units receive the Rebirth ability which allows them to self resurrect once.
Fire & Regret
- All units receive the Return Fire ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with ranged attacks receive damage back.
Damage returned is equal to damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
Ranged attack units with the Reflection Shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.
The Amplify ability increases damage.
Battle Analysis
When I saw the ruleset and the available splinters, I immediately know what lineup I will use.
First is the summoner, Byzantine Kitty is really a good summoner because of its True Strike and Tank Heal ability.
For the tank, first monster that comes in my mind is Desert Dragon because it has a Trample ability that suits very well in the ruleset Stampede and I have a guess that he will use a monster with Taunt ability like Agor Longtail or Coeurl Lurker which is best counter because it has a Giant Killer ability to quickly kill the high mana monster/s.
To make a full use of the Born Again ruleset, I used Iziar to buff my Desert Dragon and Oshuur Constantia 4x because Oshuur Contantia has a Resurrect and I also used Adelade Brightwing for additional Resurrect.
Additionally for Oshuur Constantia and Adelade Brightwing, they're also one of my supports to support my Desert Dragon.
- Oshuur Constantia - Tank Heal
- Adelade Brightwing - Repair , Swiftness
Additional support is Truthspeaker for additional Armor and Tank Heal
Lastly, Stitch Leech for extra damage. In case he used a monster with Thorns, I don't have a problem with that because it has Life Leech ability.
Round 1

My prediction was right because he used a high mana monster with Taunt ability and its and easy kill.
Luckily, Desert Dragon retaliated after he received an attack from Agor Longtail and got Rebirth. Its a good start for the first round.
Round 2

Agor Longtail got killed again and Desert Dragon gets a trample leaving Void Dragon 5 Health.
This time, Agor Longtail got resurrected by Adelade Brightwing and Iziar got poisoned by Dr. Blight before the round ends.
Round 3

At the start of the round, Iziar died because of the Poison and got Rebirth. Its really good because it buffed my Desert Dragon and Oshuur Constantia which I was waiting for to see the huge damage of my Desert Dragon.
Iziar died again by Void Dragon's attack and it buffed my two monsters again:
- Desert Dragon's damage is 8.
- Oshuur Constantia's damage is 5.
Finally, Desert Dragon attacked Agor Longtail with that HUGE 16 damage and killed it following Void Dragon , Truthspeaker and Adelade Brightwing.
I thought I'm going to sweep them by this round and use all their Rebirth in a continuous Trample but Dr. Blight has 3 Health left after getting that 8 damage.
Before the round ends, Iziar died again twice and buffed my two monsters again:
- Desert Dragon's damage is 10.
- Oshuur Constantia's damage is 7.
Round 4

I thought Desert Dragon will attack first because he has the same Speed with Oshuur Constantia and he is in the first position.
Oshuur Constantia killed Void Dragon and Desert Dragon killed Truthspeaker following Adelade Brightwing with a Trample.
Final Round

in this final round, Desert Dragon attacked with HUGE 10 damage killing Dr. Blight and Venari Crystalsmith.
They both got Rebirth and Adelade Brightwing gives the final blow by killing Venari Crystalsmith. GG!
Battle Summary

Overall, I dominated my opponent with that Martyr buff strategy and my prediction was right. It must be a really awesome battle if I sweep them at round 2 haha
I got a reward of:
- +36 rating (3795)
- +98,804 RP
- +7.526 SPS
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121