When to Begin Leveling a Summoner (and other questions!)

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I have been wanting to upgrade a summoner to level 2 but before I made that move I wanted to hear from the community on when they decided to advance their summoner. Did you aquire the leveled up summoner first and then level the Monsters or would it be better to have enough leveled up monsters to make the summoner a obvious next choice? Or perhaps it would be better to wait until I hit a glass ceiling that can only be broken by level 2+ cards.

It's a lot of questions for what could be a big step to progression, I hope to receive some feedback from the community. Thank you for reading and I eagerly await your advice!splinterlandsummoner.png


Summoner from chaos legion 1st. It doesn't even pay to level up any cards until your summoner is where you need it.

Yeah that is what I am thinking right now because cards are at a low price and I would like a Summoner. Thank you for the reply.

I played for a number of months without updating any of my summoners. I actually won a legendary summoner (effectively an upgraded common summoner) for my first one that allowed me to play upgraded monsters. However, I had already upgraded a couple of monsters in that splinter prior to getting that card, so I was able to use those upgraded monsters right away. I would rather upgrade my monsters as I get win enough cards so that I will have several to use when I do upgrade a summoner. I also have the ability to rent out those upgraded cards (until I can actually use them myself) to increase my DEC income.

Renting out upgraded cards is a valid point and an interesting aspect I haven't been using in my Splinterlands strategy. Thank you for the reply.