Pixelart: Magic

in Splinterlands2 months ago


Pixelart animation featuring Fizbo the Fabulous.
When I saw the looks and outfit of Fizbo, a magic/ circus theme became my inspiration for this week. This one is a pixel art animation showing three cups and under the one cup there is a red ball. You have to guess where the ball is after Fizbo shuffled the three cups.
Have you guess where the ball is?


Creating the outline of the body of my main character, Fizbo the Fabuluos.

Adding the outline of its clothes.

Mirroring it for the other side.

Creating the buttons.

Adding the outline of its hair and also the details on its face.

Coloring the character and background.

Coloring the clothes. The color of its clothes was a challenging to achieve. There is a gradient effect on its clothes. I tried using different shades of green and violet to somehow achieve the gradient look.

Coloring its skin and the other details.

Changed the color of the background, by adding some lights.

Creating the ball.

Adding the text bubble.

Creating the animation. I decreased the opacity per frame to have an idea where the previous cup is. The app does not show the previous frame, that is why I have to do it manually.