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RE: Can We Please Finally Stop Handing Out Free SPS In Soulkeep?

in Splinterlands4 months ago

i'm not a player of Soulkeep or Splinterlands, but i do hold SPS, the value of which is presumably being diluted by what you describe.

Could your proposal be put forward to the DAO and voted upon by ?SPS? holders?


Hey, thanks for stopping by.
It indeed just got discussed (quite intensively) in the Discord, Clayboyn is going to put up a stake weighted poll to see where people are standing on the matter.

Where will i be able to fnd the poll?
i don't use Dicscord

Looks like a landslide victory (so far) for option 3. A good step i think.

Agreed, it's the right thing to do.
Let's hope it works out in the end.

I'll send you the link here once it got posted.