Favorite Splinterlands Strategies - Jacek with the Blast ruleset!

in Splinterlands29 days ago


Hello everyone, this time I'm going to share with you one of my favorite strategies that I like to use when the fire element and the Blast ruleset are available.

I don't use Jacek as often as I would like, but when the Blast ruleset is active, I like to choose him as a summoner, so all my ranged and magic units get the Scattershot ability, so with a bit of luck they will attack the enemy units in the backline, spreading their damage across more units, making the most of the explosion.

I'm not a big fan of probabilities, that being said I don't like the stun, dodge, or flying abilities. But I love the combination of random attacks with the Blast ability, maybe because this strategy is very aggressive. Sadly, there are only 5 fire/neutral cards that have the Blast ability on their own with ranged, magic or no attack in the Modern format. There are some with melee attacks, but unfortunately they don't use random attacks.

When the Blast ruleset is active, and the mana cap is 35 or around, I like to use Rush Townsend ('cause of his Ambush ability, dealing a lot of damage even before the battle) and Ash Mirage (in case the enemy also uses the same strategy and to avoid some damage of the Blast). Very simple, but effective.

Now I want to show you an exciting battle with this strategy. I though it would be easy since my opponent played another summoner, but to my surprise it was a very close battle.


I'm playing with my alt-account langice in the modern format. In my frontline I placed Antoid Platoon, who is great at defending against melee and ranged attacks. Then, as I said before, the Fox and Ash in the backline. Jacek gives my units two speed, but why not more? So, I played 2 units with the Swiftness ability. Since my mana was reduced to 4, I considered Scavo Firebolt, simply because of its 4 ranged attack.

Unfortunately, my opponent reduced my ranged units' attack due to his summoner, and put three magic units in his lineup, which was very bad for me since my units have no defenses against magic attacks.


The first round was great for me, as my monsters did quite a bit of damage to the enemy units. And the enemy Venari Wavesmith was destroyed due to my Ash Mirage's attack.

In the second round, sadly my Antoid Platoon, Ash Mirage and Scavo Firebolt were defeated. And in the enemy lineup, only Naga Assassin was destroyed.

In the third round, my Supply Runner and Countess Sinash were defeated and only my Fox remained alive, destroying Diemonshark.

In the fourth and final round, thanks to Fox being very fast and especially due to the Close Range ruleset, he attacked first, destroying Djinn Oshannus, and also Chaos Dragon due to the blast, achieving a double kill.

ezgif-7-0843da9236.gif Full Battle

It was a tough battle and one of the most exciting I've had lately. That's all for now guys, I'll try to post next week.

If you haven't played Splinterlands yet, you can join with my referral link, and I'll give you 400 dec in return. If you do, let me know in the chat. See you!


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This is definitely one of my favorites as well!

Or Akune :)