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RE: My Splinterlands Blog #56 – More Novice Nerfs and A Contest No One Entered

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only person reading these... but just in case I am... thanks for writing me these posts!

It's amazing that you got a Harklaw! That's awesome! I don't have any of the new Reward Legendary cards yet so I'm super impressed and a little jealous.

I really, really like the Katrelba Gobson and Witch of Warwick gladiator cards... they've both super useful for me, but yeah, I can imagine that nothing is that useful to you until you're not playing Gold Foil frays. I actually keep forgetting to play that Gladiator cards in my Brawls. When I'm setting up a team I tend to already have in mind who I'm going to pick and then barely even notice the gladiators there. It's a bad habit.

I've found the slow creep downwards in vouchers pretty unnerving.... I guess it was always to be expected, but I don't have to love it.