you want to buy some packs?
Then go buy some packs- they're $7 fer gawds sake
Hell, Vouchers are < $16, if you want a chance at the Promo so bad
you want to buy some packs?
Then go buy some packs- they're $7 fer gawds sake
Hell, Vouchers are < $16, if you want a chance at the Promo so bad
Where can you buy the packs w/o having to worry about the vouchers
No Vouchers, No Problems
(Also, no NFT after 1K packs and no Promo after 50 Packs and no chance at Airdrops down the road but for $14 less, it's still a deal)
Don't listen to the above poster. DO NOT buy packs from hive engine - they won't come with any airdrop or pre-sale bonus chances. Only packs purchased from the main game will. So be patient, the packs will be available without vouchers in a while (probably a few months). You'll miss out on some airdrop chances, but you'll get everything remaining, and you'll spend only $4/pack.
Yeah I've got 1 pack but it takes so long to come up on the vouchers is all I was saying its such a slow process and I was looking forward to buying a bulk amount