Moment we're going to talk about Cursed Windeku which are terrible brutes that live in the deepest and darkest timbers. They hunt at night, stalking their prey before attacking with their claws, while their nuisance-suchlike cornucopias and natural mending capability give an excellent defense, seems perfect for defending your cards on the battleground but I'll talk further about it in this post.
Cursed Windeku is a card that lately arrived in splinterlands along with chaos legion and it's a rare card of this edition, in addition it has 6 mana cost and the ruckus type attack, but what makes this card good to be used in battle field? That is the question I am going to answer moment.
He has 3 chops and I'll talk about each of them but before that I'll talk about their situations and stats.
I'll speak grounded on the situations allowed in each league, and in citation it can be used from position 1 to 2, in tableware from position 1 to 4, in gold from position 1 to 6, in diamond from 1 to 8 which is its maximum position and champion is the same as diamond. Now that I have mentioned that, let's talk about each league its topmost mileage.
In citation where the maximum position of this card is position 2 it has 2 attack, 3 speed and 10 health. I do not consider his attack too high for his mana cost but his focus isn't that, speed is reasonable and health is the main point because he's a card that you'll use in first position, but that is not each because he has the Thorns Capability that makes him come indeed stronger on the battleground, in case you do not know the Thorns capability causes when a ruckus card attacks Cursed Windeku it does 2 damage to this card, so indeed if its attack isn't high it'll still be a nuisance for ruckus cards and the further damage it does the better.
In tableware your maximum position will be position 4 and the only big difference is your attack that becomes 3 rather of 2 and it starts to get further intriguing because your attack is now reasonable but indeed so your focus is still is defend, so if he has 3 attack and the Frustrations skill and depending on the quantum of ruckus cards the adversary has also he'll be a real problem for them and a great joy for you.
In the gold league the maximum position is 6 and it's from then that he starts to show his true power, his attack and speed remain the same but he gains the Heal skill which I consider an incredibly important skill for protective cards, when a card has the skill Heal it heals1/3 health on its turn and as Cursek Windeku has 11 health so it heals 3 health on its turn (1/3 of 11 would be3.67 but there's no way to heal that quantum and the value is always for low also becomes 3, if health was 12 also it would be 4 health healed and so on), one further detail of the Heal skill is that the minimal mending is 2. So imagine the Cursed Windeku that has a lot of health so it'll last a long time time in the battle, it has a reasonable attack so it'll not only defend and also has the Thorns capability to fight back the attack of ruckus cards and to complete it still heals, an amazing card do not you suppose?
In the diamond league, his maximum position is 8 and it's the maximum position he reaches too, at this position he has 4 attack so his obnoxious power is formerly much more so I wouldn't say his main point is defense, besides he now has the Slow skill and with this skill he reduces the speed of all adversary cards by 1, so in addition to having a good attack and good defense with Frustrations and Heal chops, he also has the Slow skill that will profit all your cards as it'll give them the occasion to attack first.
So in my opinion he's an amazing card from the death sundeck for the first position and whenever I've the occasion I use it, but now that we talk about his stats and capacities let's talk more about him in battle and I'll also demonstrate with one.
I am going to talk about an incredibly useful chaos legion card that belongs to the water sundeck but you may formerly know him, this card is the Flying Squid and I intend to talk about its utility in battle and also show him in one, so follow me on this one post.
The Flying Squid is a common card from the chaos edition and belongs to the water sundeck but I have mentioned it ahead and the question is what makes it so useful? the answer to that lies in your stats and capacities and that is what I will talk about below.
It's a veritably common card to be used currently as it belongs to the chaos legion edition, but its true mileage will be at its loftiest situations. Let's start by talking about your stats.
As you can see it's a card with ruckus attack, but its topmost mileage isn't in its attack but in its life which is relatively high and it also has a good speed but it's still a good card to deal damage since its attack isn't low and he gets indeed more amazing with his capacities.
In the first position I chose the Flying Squid, although it's a better choice to put him in the first position I allowed that for this battle he'd be a great defense for the first position so I put him in it, but it's an inconceivable card that does good damage and dodges numerous attacks, in addition to having a lot of health.
Although Flying Squid aren't truly able of flight, their moniker comes from their capability to launch themselves from the water and glide above the face for long distances before resubmerging. These aggressive bloodsuckers shoot essay into the eyes of their prey to eyeless them before attacking with their lengthy tentacles.
I'll talk about a fire sundeck summoner who's a freshman to splinterlands but who conquered everyone and came the most used in the battles of this sundeck, her name is Tarsa and it's about her that I'll talk in this post.
Tarsa is a summoner from the fire sundeck and also a rare card from the chaos legion edition, and as everyone knows chaos legion brought other summoners besides Tarsa that changed the battles in splinterlands a lot since the summoner is one of the main reasons for the choices of cards, and before chaos legion the most used in the fire sundeck were Malric Conflagration and Pyke, but what made Tarsa take their place and come so used? That is what I will talk about in this post and also show her in battle to see if she's as good as they say.
If you do not understand how a summoner works also just look at the picture over and know that the summoner's position is related to the position of the cards you can choose. An illustration for this would be Tarsa position 4, which was the position I used in the battle that I'll show, so at this position it only allows me to use common cards up to position 5, rare cards up to position 4, grand cards up to position 3 and fabulous cards up to position 2. I will not cite further exemplifications because you can understand how it works by looking at the image over and also because this post would be too long if I said everything, another important thing to mention is that leagues also have limits of situations and they are
Citation- Position 3 Common Card, Level 2 Rare Card, Level 2 Epic Card, Level 1 Legendary Card.
Tableware- Position 5 Common Card, Level 4 Rare Card, Level 3 Epic Card, Level 2 Legendary Card.
Gold- Position 8 Common Card, Level 6 Rare Card, Level 5 Epic Card, Level 3 Legendary Card.
Diamond-Common card position 10, Rare card position 8, Grand card position 6, Fabulous card position 4.
Champion-Level 10 Common Card, Level 8 Rare Card, Level 6 Epic Card, Level 4 Fabulous Card.
You can also see this by looking at Leagues in the Splinterlands battle part.
Now coming back to talking about Tarsa, her utility in battle is as a summoner and she has a cost of 4 mana and her function will be to grant 1 ruckus attack to your cards and this is veritably useful since it's common to use at least 1 ruckus card in battle and there are extremely strong combinations in the fire sundeck with ruckus cards and also granting 1 health to all your cards and this is also useful since life is what decides whether your card will continue in battle or not so having further life is noway important.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

nice post and I like the way you explained. Good work