Land Development and Generative AI

in Splinterlands6 days ago (edited)

Land Development and Generative AI

We all know that SPS DAO recently passed a proposal to help with land development directly at Splinterlands, and Cryptomancer is working hard on the project for us. We are beginning to see some glimpse of new work being done, and therefore after a long time community is re-evaluating their land position. I haven't thought about my land position in years. We have just three items in production for a long time: Grain, SPS and Research Points. None of these have any real value in the low market prices right now, so most of us are just accumulating.


Source: Generated with DALL-E3

However, Cryptomancer given some recent hints about the upgrade towards other resources that are coming soon.

All land plots, with the exception of those with a Castle or a Keep building, are able to produce a specific kind of natural resource. Each natural resource is listed below along with a description of how it can be used in addition to which types of land plots can produce it.

Grain - Produced by Farm buildings and used as food for workers. Can be milled into Elemental Foods which are much more efficient.

Terrain Types - Plains, River, Bog, Lake

Wood - Produced by Logging Camp buildings and used as a fuel source for resource refining or to create Planks in a Sawmill building for use in building construction and maintenance.

Terrain Types - Swamp, Forest, Tundra, Jungle

Stone - Produced by Quarry buildings and used to refine into Elemental Stones which are needed for building construction and maintenance.

Terrain Types - Desert, Canyon, Hills

Ores - There are five different types of ores (listed below) that can be produced by a Mine building. The ores are listed in order of most common to most rare. Higher level Mines have higher chances of finding more rare ores. Ores can be smelted into metal bars in a Foundry building which can then be used in building construction and maintenance.

Terrain Types - Mountain, Badlands, Caldera

Ore Types (in order of rarity) - Iron, Aluminum, Copper, Titanium, Mithril

Great! So What?

So I was talking to Vugtis at Land Barrons channel and I said If we are successful I am told we need things from multiple regions and I think I am regretting owning a region instead, I should have spread it around. But Vugtis responded that I rather need specific land diversity for those new items: Wood, Stone and Ores. He developed a tool and he kindly analyzed my plots shown below and it shows that I have nearly zero plots to manufacture stones! That is I am very poor on Desert, Canyon and Hills! Imagine the irony of being a geologist with no access to 'stones'!


So I say to hell with it and went into the market to get some appropriate land. Thankfully Joshman is selling some land and it was in Region #9 where I own a tract. I DM'ed Johnman and in 10 minutes I bought 12 Desert Plots. Cost me $10/plot, and I am very happy in doing this business with Joshman. This is my first purchase of anything related to land in 2+ years since land pre-sale.


Thanks to Vugtis for the insight I have added to my land portfolio. Prices are cheap, if the rares drop a bit more, I am considering buying a few rares. Anyone selling in region 9 and/or 15?

AGI faster than Land 3.0?

Oh I made a comment that AGI could be faster than Land 3.0. Then land will be completed in 6 more months. For those who doesn't know Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a theoretical type of artificial intelligence (AI) that aims to create machines with human-like cognitive abilities. AGI is also known as strong AI or general AI or generative AI.

Over the decades, AI researchers have charted several milestones that significantly advanced machine intelligence—even to degrees that mimic human intelligence in specific tasks. For example, AI summarizers use machine learning (ML) models to extract important points from documents and generate an understandable summary. AI is thus a computer science discipline that enables software to solve novel and difficult tasks with human-level performance.

In contrast, an AGI system can solve problems in various domains, like a human being, without manual intervention. Instead of being limited to a specific scope, AGI can self-teach and solve problems it was never trained for. AGI is thus a theoretical representation of a complete artificial intelligence that solves complex tasks with generalized human cognitive abilities.

Some computer scientists believe that AGI is a hypothetical computer program with human comprehension and cognitive capabilities. AI systems can learn to handle unfamiliar tasks without additional training in such theories. Alternately, AI systems that we use today require substantial training before they can handle related tasks within the same domain. For example, you must fine-tune a pre-trained large language model (LLM) with medical datasets before it can operate consistently as a medical chatbot.

Currently the earliest expectations are that the commercially available AGI is only 18 months away. So there is hope for both Mancer and the rest of us :)


Interesting, I have noticed a lot of the cheapest plots getting snapped up. I bought a keep a while ago with the thought that I will be able to harvest all different types of resources in tax

I've been keeping an eye on land as well after chatting with one of my Splinterlands friends. I haven't been able to find anything for a decent price in the regions I want though.

Market is thin and liquidity is low. So you got to find out of the market private deals and they are hard to come by. Chances are if there are more capitulations there will be better deals

Thanks, good to know!

Nice, just read your message looked on peakmonster, there where still some 11$ plots. Bought 2 more plots in Region #9. Now my total there is 6 plots up and running with some common and rare CL rewards units.

Excellent job! We are neighbors;)

Highmoor is full of mountains; I know.. I spied on your estate 😃

Mountains I am good. I was lacking in Desert, Canyon, and hills. Now I am good. But Vugtis says commons are not good enough! LOL

I saw his comment, and those lands you grabbed of Josh's. I took a couple of his Rivers a few days ago.

I have 5 common plots all producing worthless grain at this point which I am accumulating. Don't think I will be investing anything else into Land until it becomes clearly profitable.

The trouble is when it will be profitable everything will be much more expensive

Damn.. needed some water plots in my region. But the good ones got bought up.

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Very good to see how you progress in your land development. I guess yiu takimg this to another great level