Amor, There are 106 people with more cards than me and I can check as single accounts. There are many that I can't check. There are hidden accounts, people with 100s of split accounts. Trust me, there are quite a lot of people with more cards than me. But I am certainly a large holder, and also I am transparent.
I need to hire someone to manage the renting, but it is hard to find such a person who understands the game, have free time in hand, and can be trusted :)
These stats are amazing. I had no idea Splinterlands was so huge. Do you really need to hire someone to manage your card rentals, though? It seems like if you could just tap into the dataflow and combine it with an analysis tool like Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, or some equivalent you would have continuous reporting at your finger tips. Heck, you might just be able to get by with Excel or Google Sheets.
So, you started with nothing in 2018 and you now have this performance? That's impressive.
Hundreds of people! Damn looks like SL did really good grabbing whales! And yes, your transparency can be quite inspiring for many people.
I'm sure you can find trustworthy people in BDC but whether they understand the game or have time is the question.