Top 200 Hive Stakeholders: An Intro for Splinterlands Players!

in Splinterlands2 months ago

A Reference for the rest of us

@solominer recently published a poll, and it triggerd me to look at the Top 200 Hive stakeholders and their account statistics. The data is publicly available at HiveBuzz. I only took the Top 200 Stakeholders in terms of HP to create a bunch of visualization and analysis. This is only because I recently did some analysis of the top 200 SPS stakeholders for Splinterlands here.

I wanted to look at the Top 200 HP holders for another reason. These accounts are typically long term hive holders, and I wanted to see how are they rewarded as a blogger/content creator. One of the easiest thing to look at is their Reputation number. For those who doesn't know this, it is nothing to do with your 'reputation' in real life or even virtual life. It simply is a measure of how much upvote you have received over the years. So it is roughly propotional to your content production length (how long you are around) and/or amount (how many posts you have written). Higher the Rep number, more content you have produced and more upvote you have received.


Top 200 Held HP vs. Reputation

I plotted the Top 200 Held HP along the X-axis in log scale to spread the data out. The vertical axis is the Reputation, also log scale. Each account is a circle, but their size is proportion to the earned Author HP. For the new folks, when you earn hive rewards at payout, 50% of the rewards goes to Curators and 50% goes to the Authors. Interesting thing of note is a lot of the points stay along a straight line at Rep = 25. That is the starting hive reputation. These accounts are typically holding accounts and never posted any blog or even commented on anything, so they didn't receive any upcote. Therefore, their rep is at 25. The highest rep of hive authors are in the mid 80s (ignoring the hbd.funder account, which doesn't hold any HP, so not plotted here anyways).


Analysis of Social Classes at Hive

The Plot above can be subdivided into areas using a horizontal and a vertical line. The Green vertical line represents 500K HP. An account holding >500K HP is typically called a "whale" account, which means Upper Class or just "Rich". The ones below that 500K HP line, but above the lowest of the Top 200 HP, are called Orca. In fact Orca = 50K-500K HP. The lowest HP value is the top 200 is currently 93,525.

Yes, in future I will increase the size of the data.

The Yellow Horizontal like is approximately Reputation 65. Typically for most authors it is relatively easy to get to that reputation within a few months, if not a year of regular posting. Most of these Top 200 HP accounts are 4-7 year old accounts, so if the account is actively posting, likely it will be above 65. So, all the data points below this horizontal line are either INACTIVE, or Holding/Curation accounts. The ones above 65 are likely active accounts (generally speaking) or was active and stopped posting some time ago. I am calling them the Authors/Bloggers/Content Creators who stayed.



Based on these simple principles described above, the chart can be subdivided into four quadrants.

  • Top Right = Wealthy Authors/Investors
  • Top Left = Middle Class Authors
  • Bottom Left = Middle Class Holders/Inactive accounts/also alt-accounts
  • Bottom Right = Wealthy Holders/Curation accounts

It is obvious from this plot that the crowded space that requires further investigation is the Top Left quadrant. We will zoom into it.


This is the Middle Class Authors. The core content creator and bloggers of Hive. If you are a hive regular, you likely recognized a lot of these names. Here also you can see most of the popular authors are above 70 Reputation. Here I have made the circle size propotional to the author rewards. This gives us a general idea who is receiving most of the author rewards.


Are they Keeping it?

Above plot shows Held HP along the X-axis vs. Author rewards in the same quadrant. Basically is someone received 100K Hive author rewards, and their HP is 100K. At least they have kept the author rewards equivalent powered up. They likely have received some Curation rewards too. They may or may not have taken that out or invested in something else. That Yellow dashed line is the Author Reward = Held HP line. Below the line Authors at least have kept the Author Rewards. Above the line, they have sold more hive than they have received as Author rewards. The size of circle is proportional to the number of posts the author made.

Thankfully most of the Top 200 hive stakeholders fall below the yellow dashed line. I say this is a good sign, and a good thing to demonstrate to other similar ecosystem (say Splinterlands). Clear demostration that top authors mostly believe in the ecosystem long term, and they keep their hive powered up.

I expect the plot will look different in the Lower Middle Class and below. That will be the next post.


Really looking forward to the next post on the next 400.

Seeing the data here in graph form really gives new insight into the ecosystem. Usually I just have hivebuzz and hivestats to parse though. But never in graph form.

Very cool

5000 HP; the bottom of Dolphin, is rank 2345! I am thinking about doing it upto that.

Reaching the 100k milestone was very important for me, so important that I decided to treat myself with my first ever power down. That didn't feel as good as I expected...

I have powered down a couple of times; to buy Splinterlands cards :)

I don't regret it. More important point is, I never thought I will stick around this long at hive. It sort of grows on you I realize. Hopefully I can have it grow on a few more people.

At least your stake stayed on the Hive ecosystem. The value of Hive increases with it's utility, not when people milk and run. Too many of the later and that's what frustrates me

I've powered down (a long time ago now) to have a little to trade with on the exchanges, it all went back into Hive. Like you say, doesn't feel so good huh?

I remember I felt quite sad when I hit the power down button coz all along my aim is to grow my stake. Power down almost felt like a betrayal to my objective here. Plus the price had tanked making the value of my withdrawal less significant. Guess I'll power it back up and move a little up the ranks again

I'm changing my voting habits, checking wallets for power downs and power ups and not voting for those who continually power down and take with zero power ups. It'll mean there's less to vote but I'll just vote bigger on those I do vote. Post coming up in about 10 hours to announce it. I want to support those who support the blockchain a little.

Reading all the comments on Solo's post gave me back some hope that Hive is not all as shit as it seems. There are a minority who clearly care about the future and longevity of the chain. The issue is, is the power and the will of the minority strong enough vs the majority? I sincerely hope so, coz if we don't persist, the middle class might as well pack our bags, power down and cut our lost now.

Look forward to your post and I hope it will bring on the desired ripple effect

You say it well, I agree.

With my voting...I don't know what it'll do but I want to make a stand. I'm happy to vote the same ten people every day, their posts and comments, but I'd rather share it around and hope a few people actually address their behaviours so that I can vote them up.

Even my data analysis is supporting that. Lot of key stakeholders are holding hive and not extracting. Trouble is towards the bottom as you have pointed out.

Here's to the middle classes baby! 😀😀

I am glad to fall under that line on the last one!

LOL! I like that too.

What is your expectation if/when I do the next 400 accounts? :)

Ah, that will be a picture that paints a story. Perhaps it will be a mirror image 😀😀

Well, let me work on it then! :)

I am quite intrigued now. I would like to be wrong!

if you go to 5000hp i thin there will still be more accounts in the green.

It is a great visualization and it is great to see that there are at least some authors who have kept significant stake. Not that many though.

As I look into the deeper part of the ranking, things will be murky :)

Interesting and telling results, the next 400 will be interesting to see.

5000 HP is Rank 2345. That should be as deep as I am willing to proceed!

You'll be seeing blue dots in your sleep!

I don't see my name on there for I am a mere peasant. I'm interested in the next chart to come though. 👀

Your HP is 22,366. You are number 686. I will need a much bigger spreadsheet!

So what, four iteration then? 😆

I can't speak for others but hope to be able to power up what I've powered down in the past. There's still a decade or so of reduced inflation, long term goals!

I am actually positively surprised to see the plot that majority of the top 200 stakeholders are holding hive. It’s a good sign.

I look forward to seeing that next post. I might actually get to see my name in it. I just hit 80 rep a bit ago, so I am excited about that. I'm afraid a lot of the lower accounts do a lot of dumping...

 2 months ago (edited) 

5000 HP; the bottom of dolphin, is rank 2345! That’s a spreadsheet with 2345 rows! Let’s see if that works!

Soon I hope to join the middle class... just got to keep up with that consistency you spoke of on the recent TPG podcast!

I've been working on a Splinterlands Battle of the Day... and also trying to keep up with a daily activity post on actifit where I post a bunch of pictures from the street art here in Brooklyn.

I really connected with your bit about the comments! Sure it is nice to get some likes/upvotes, but what I really want are those comments on my content so I know people are actually reading and thinking about the Splinterlands analysis and strategy I share. Or maybe they enjoyed the pictures I shared in my daily actifit journaling. Either way, you are spot on that it's comments I crave, not the upvotes!

A strong and broad based middle class is the backbone of any economy. It is therefore true from our game and hive ecosystem both.

The turning point in my Hive career was when you brought @tarazkp into our guild. I've learned so much just by reading his writing and modeling my content after his.

Glad I helped someone! :D

He is a continual writer :) and a wealth of knowledge of anything hive. You can easily observe his "dot" on all plots.

Oh yes, a big chunky one. Glad he is on with the Shield of Glory!

I did not make it to the list ?

You have 155688 HP. You are there. I couldn’t possibly label every name then the plot will be cluttered.

 2 months ago (edited) 


Here you are, near the X-axis. You definitely held a lot more than you earned. Infact, I am quite certain you have purchased hive, since you have made only 811 posts.

Oh yes, Majority is my investment, as I don't post too often.

It shows in the data. This is why I like blockchain technology. It is transparent.

Beautiful analysis, az! Thanks for putting this together. One of these days the TPG account will appear in that rare air upper tier!

This is hard work! Not the plotting but collecting and collating the data. I am now working on a 1000 rows spreadsheet :)

Worth it! I'm a sucker for beautifully presented data - well done 😎

This is a great analysis!
Anither thi g that might be interesting looking at is the all time top earners first list and then check the HP. You are now filtering top HP holders and then looking at AR. Basicly swich the filters. Oterwise you will miss accounts that have earned a lot of HP, but maybe cutently are not holding anything or small amounts.

That is a good idea. Thankfully I got the data tabulated, so I can slice and dice it in a variety of different ways.

Interesting charts and I found myself on some. I have bought some $HIVE, but most is earned. Lately I've been making at least as much from curation as from posting and that is likely to continue. I've powered down to pay for things like Hivefest, but not for a while as the price is too low really to cash out. In the long run I'd like to take some income from Hive to treat myself.

I suspect that in a year the top 200 will all have over 100k as numbers are increasing. The middle class has a big impact on how rewards are spread and I'd like to see it grow.

Mind you, this is the uppermost part of the middle class, which does look healthy. However, as I look at the lower middle class, I suspect it might tell a different story.

The orcas tend to be well engaged with Hive, but the dolphins may be more likely to give up. We need to ensure that good content gets support at all levels, but it really needs people who are into each topic to support that community. I mainly support the stuff I like rather than trying to game curation.

Really interesting seeing it plotted like this. Big regrets for not working harder for the 100 k, though my focus has been more on community and connections over numbers. Funny, last time price tanked this low and I didn't buy I totally regretted it when it went up again. Maybe I can work harder on my numbers for next seven years lol.

More incoming. You will see your name :)

Will keep an eye out. I'm finding this current discussion quite positive actually.

I'm curious where I am on this list. I've never powered down in my 7-8 years here. According to Hivestats I've made quite a bit less from Hive posts than my HP is, meaning a lot of it is from investing in. I unfortunately haven't kept very good records of how much I have bought in over the years.

Hmm.. anyway, looking forward to your next post.

 2 months ago (edited) 

Here you go! You are at a good Spot! You are on Santa's list. For details you must study the next post.


Find you name, I have added it!

Thanks! Woohoo. I wonder if Santa can help pay off my house. ;)

I'll go read your post and try to understand it.

Thanks Azircon I have been playing Splinterlands for 5 years and never really understood Hive great informative post I now beginning to understand more and look forward to be more active in hive

That sounds like a great plan!

Step 1: Buy some Hive
Step 2: Transfer to killerkev, and power UP!
Step 3: Start blogging :)
Step 4: after 400 years of blogging, retire, and live off hive! LOL

i will start spreading my saving into hive and splinterlands thanks for advise :]


It is good to see so many familiar names on the list. I am looking forward to the rest of the list because everything seems to be great so far.

PS: My goal is to be on this list one day ^^

 2 months ago (edited) 

Consistency, maybe supplemented by a few buys when the prices are low like now, will get you there for sure.

PS. You must respond to every single comment on your post, if you like to get there :)

I always read and respond to comments made my posts man. First I wanted to take a look at yours, adamada's, solominer's and acidyo's posts. It's time to answer the comments on my own posts.

Now I saw your comment on my post haha.

Cool. I noticed.
I just saw that you are from Turkey and jumped in :)

Many thanks!

This made me look where I rank in terms of others on hive buzz.

Rank 689 in HP holdings is quite surprising honestly
Rep I rank in the 1400~s which is pretty good, I guess I'm considered 'popular blogger' being over 70 rep. =p

It's nice to see a lot of the top accounts hold more than they have earned, If I was richer I'd be in the same category, holding 22kHP only earned around 8kHP from author rewards.

Onwards and upwards.

I'm a hive witness supporting the blockchain please consider voting for me.

I am working on a plot for top 1000 HP holders. It is a lot of data manipulation. You will be on that one for sure.

Ooooh, I think I'm pretty boring on these charts. 1.2M SPS staked with a Hive rep of 69, I'm just a middle of the road average kinda guy.

Nothing wrong with that. Average is excellent!

Average is the new excellent.

I hope that most of these 200 accounts will become whales in Hive. And we ourselves will buy back the extra millions of HIVE from the Koreans.

May be. But still will take years and will need consistency.

It feels like it's been awhile since I have seen your posts. Thanks for sharing I like the graphics. I think we need to see more people buy staking and using hive.

I have been around all the time. My activity levels comes and goes depending on what is on my plate. I am glad you like the plots.

I hear that it’s been tough for me to stay active. Life gets in the way

I am powering up more Hive frequently.
Thank you for the report

Cheers! Power up more :)

i think that i am a little far away from them :D hahaha

that you are. It will take time and work ethics and hopefully you will get there

This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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wow so much data, that's the cool thing about blockchain, everything is visible! I look forward to your next post regarding this subject and see how this differs with the top 200 :)