Hey guys
I felt the force was with me some day ago, and I wanted to experiment too. Roaring Twenties (AKA the friendly flesh golem guild of @mattclarke) reached recently max buildings, so what a better time to put the max discount in use?
I started with 110 orbs bought for 225K DEC, buying 500 potions (gold+leg) each time. On each opening I other burned all golds or sold them for 104-110% to various users that need those. Market price was often far inferior than those burn price on orbs given that DEC was at $0.00082 when I did this. A quick reminder which will be important:
a gold common is 1500 DEC
a gold rare is 6000 DEC
a gold epic is 30000 DEC
a gold legendary is 150000 DEC
The Orbs collection is marked as a promo set, so cards have double (or more) value than other sets. I leave the table that you can find in the Splinterlands Discord for further references
Cost per orb
225000/110 = 2045 DEC
Cost of potions per 110 Orbs
18400 (leg) + 23000 (gold) = 41400 DEC
Total value of 110 packs: List $118.16 Market $108.54
Total value of 110 packs: List $214.85 Market $195.64
Total value of 110 packs: List $231.59 Market $209.13
Total value of 110 packs: List $336.87 Market $270.04
Total value of 110 packs: List $119.73 Market $110.39
Total value of 111 packs: List $118.56 Market $112.84
The total DEC spend was 1.593.000 DEC including potions
The DEC value of cards opened is 1.267.320 DEC
1.027.500 total DEC opened of just GOLD and regular legendaries.
(those values are baseline, so 5% bonus or minimum market value or resale value)
Was I lucky? I guess I was average lucky, unfortunately I kept going. and last 2 runs were awful. In total I opened 3 GFL and a lot of Gold Epic (12 if I recall correctly).Was it worth all in all? I think so, I managed to hold a complete regular set of Winds of Change while I did a great deal with my friend @cryptoreaper too, selling him all the 1 BCX cards I didn't need (around 230-240$ at minimum value, uncombined).
there are users like the mighty @cryptomancer that got no luck in this opening, and users like @hossainbd who opened 3 GFL in a single 110 opening (that's 450K DEC in those 3 cards, alone).
I'm not suggesting to go and spend all USD in orbs, but with orbs approaching the sellout and the cards being highly valued (even at baseline with the DEC bonus) it might be worth for you to have a look!
Let me know what you think in comments below 👋

Quanti??? Ammazza!!! Beh dai ti è andata bene, per fortuna, bella lì!!
Non sapevo che stessero finendo, devo farci un pensierino perché ultimamente prendo solo pacchi Untamed, un orbs ogni tanto ci starebbe!
nice @bafi and thanks for the mentioned, i got 3 gfl in 110 ORBs two time but about yesterday i had a bad luck at all. i opened 570 ORBs yesterday and got only 2 gfl and 4 gf epic and lots of rare and common gold but in average i lost about 220k dec in 570 ORBs. but I'm still looking for another round