im not going to be told to leave lol im in a decentralized space so i can say what i please use my capital how i wish to. Its not hurting anyone or going in my pocket only until it is set up where i can sell it transfer it so that you wont be able to find it and we can get this thing airdropedd to claim dropped to people and use it to help the chain. I just dont care bc u let it happen with curators so im sorry i dont get a disadantave bc all the curators vote for a post make the curation rewards or prob author rewards to huge why would i not engage in this for are group when its completely ok when the group appears to be large or actually is but appears small. I will not leave i use this account to play games and you are not a owner plus if i am going to create a claim drop for hive participants bet a vote if you leave it up to ppl of hive would vote with me if they all know there getting part of the project as well its not a waste it using resources which i used my money for to risk and so far so good and ever since i got hive for free been great. Never thought id see police here. Dont think the downvote police is a real like thing that ppl actualy want. It can easily be stopped if my idea for funding works remotly the capital impact will be enormous at that scale and a week will be enough to get ppl to leave us alone and let us start doing what we promised to ppl on here which is everyone plus extra for splinterlands tv streamers etc like that. Dont think ppl mind a vote like that everyonece and a while for a few months but since you had to somehow downvote my rep i wonder how may ppl does it take to restore it. Has to be a way but if there is ill figure it out and just to that to. Also my other acccounts are being created and will be voting on each other just like is permitted by the other curators but there all my 200 person group which will all auto vote and we literally achierve all the save results like what you did just annoyed me making me switch acconts and power down some to sell to move to the new operation cant transfer it bc seems like your the dude who feels like stoping this from happening is helping ppl when incmome from this will help ppl u are keeping everyone here from receiving the air drop were not taking a commission we will have a 5% interest but that is it to keep are lights running and way better fees than anything else plus were going to use strategies and as we grow be able to invest in 100K projects and expose only a little to each person and those projects ususally do well i made all my money by just investing and vetting sponsors on the internet 25-40 per year lol and the sec protects us fuck that lol. but either way this account is attached to a game im heavily in and im just moving it all out and many just keep it out and send the eth from my other wallet not connected and then you cant hate retaliate and downvote even if the posts are good bc the ai posts good lol you cant tell the diff it is great i will get so many votes by doing 1000 votes per day and up voting with the non posting gorup members like the curation ppl do bc they write there content and vote it. THere votes big so deff going in threr format like the best ranked and let them rip if 30% get hit by the big account trails they get followed there are auto trails u just tag and its literally automatic money if you can get to a buck i make a grand aday with out even voting just ai posts. if it gets better thats sat 5 -10K A day the math is possible with the AI tools which will abosolutuly monitize these blogs going to just post relevent content without doing any work and speed is key most content thats relevant with no work and have the revive app extend all votes need to automate itall like a one click form are site to every social media using AI and Zapier etc. IM testing wheether 3 ppl can literrally make like 100K a day afyer a year of using AI writing and posting on every topic and site possible to get loot, sell affiliate links like ledger 75 bucks bet 1 of 1000 buys one or clivks the bank bonuses those are greate i do them make a ton. But not your job to make ppl not make money or tyry things but this time there are not rules being broken even as i wont be voting its just posting a million times companred to now an dcatching a large vote or a bunhc getting on trails optimize tages when to post in which category t oget the most impact and money. Were just going to analyse the shit out ofg it and if we can even get .5 which is not hard especially with the AI quality would not be supporised at dollars and everyday would be say 5K or 35K a week which is one real estate syndication per week 52 a year bringing in god 1000//4 q per deal and a 2.5X exit at year 5so say 350 K over 6 years for one year of psting and extracting moeny for the fund now the air drop and its backed by 350K or real estate equity or 975K after debt giving 10% distributions quarterly or 35k/4 which is dividfed into the tokens and given out to all participants in voiting on our posts and double for getting two others to vote if thety have .1 plus vote triple count if the person puts the name in the memo for referrals up to 1 per person. It will be one person bc this is a actualy company and ppl will need to provide tax info as the operations go beyhond hive much beyond and internet blogging for money and investing playing games are some of the yw ways we make alot of money and enjoy playing the games. There are investment funds here im sure most have other accounts they just vote one ive herd so much aboout this shit and you choose to bother me. this account will be used just not to vote when i gert that money the downvote ring ill find out just how big it is and how and why it came about and who is part of it bc if its arandom bunch with HP that will be the end of income for you guys at that point if it works bc thats alot of money and keeeping it for a for eyears even 10 will at least get us half of the profits for real estate to not pay taxes so we have all to work with the rest between stable coins and other staking , lps as well as games to continue after this annoying interuption to build between games and grow so we all make moeny which is really mostly why ppl are here no one would be with no money involved be honest they would goto where that is and use that to make money. At least this idea addresses aproblem no one has money bc alot have no clue that they needto invest it to be wealthy i fyou dont ur broke this ensures small at first but will grow and give people money and grow the nave plus we also get money as its part of are businesses. ZDownvoting isnt profitable it just pissies ppl off for the most part from what i see not many weant it was there a vote on it and itpassed imm supreised bc who would want ppl able to wipe account rep wit hnon restoring unless its literally about getting crpload of up votes whih i can do
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