If anyone is intersted in a investment club which will be focusing on acquiring various assets, lp postions on tribal dex, more stablecoin positions on other chains to produce steady income and have a large amount of SPS and SPT along with validator nodes so we can have the larger SPT holders form one curration service with any other tokens as well I will be acquiring large amounts of many tokens in July have a a quarter million coming to me from real estate sales so probably going to direct 50K at my investment in the game and if SPS is around .1 I will likely buy 25K SPS and 25K into validators and land to become a larger land holder and own a large amount of validators to keep cashflow coming after 5 years. Also will be launching NFTs possibly connected to earnings of the fund say for x amount of interest which allows you to sell the cash flow for a month at a time to get say a 70% advance on expected earnings so you can get the cash if needed or want to get a large distribution for something but you will need to take the risk as well and will make out if it decreases by 30% or more and the fees will goto the purchaser of 25% and 5% as a fee to do this. We will also offer lending of a combination of your deck or assets by depositing for a prestated rate which allows the club access to lend it out or use it for x periods and offer a stable return for the holder. We will also possible sell futures postions to hedge if we can match the position with NFTs that can be purchased and be a smart contract locking x amount of any asset in a contract to deliver it at X price settled in SPS.
Get passive income from using SPT in Liquidity Pools with possible rewards being various tokens and possible custom SPL Group NFTs that do somthing cool.
We can offer CDS of X paid up front so it is guaranteed then we get to lend those out and do anything with the funds for a month and users can but insurance which will be another NFT we sell and match the transaction to others to minimize risk.
If we can gain conrol of the SPT vote and become the largest holder we can infuence the currated content and purchase large amounts of oneup and other promising coins in Splinterlands but probably now use everything to buy validators and acquire SPT to earn SPS and have a stake in the SPT community it will likely blow up as I have notice NFTs being created the thing has hit dirt cheap prices I have been buying a crap load of it and we also will look to take advantage of the various LP pools to take large positions as a group instead of small amounts so we can get a large treasury of these LP tokens and new games etc.
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