Like stake 100K spt for 2 weeks and get xxxxxxx cards delegated and we get to vote with it is are return on that kind of deal same with any token and the voting expecteed roi
will be cool to do it that way gives a use to other tokens and staking to vote instead of just pay to voe. Are upfront interest and princpal payment rents will be 5-20% cost sometimes less as we then get full contorl of the coins and you get the rental so we would swap into lps and stake it in sps which would be are rent so were charging a very low rate for rentals to pay up front. If not we will do pay as you go but at a much higher fixed rate which will likely not be attractive. Plust liquidiity of the coin factors in if we have to take a 50% hair cut to sell we will be always using the bid prices to calcuate it as we will be selling right away if we get lucky and can sell for more awsome
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