Ability strategy analysis: Silence

in Splinterlands • 6 days ago

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This week splinterlands engagement Challenge Theme: Battle of the Forgotten Cards!
🔍 Which card do you think is underrated?
đź’ˇ How do you use it effectively in battle?
🔥 Have you surprised an opponent with an unexpected strategy?

For who missed it i often write about a single cards which i think is the best with a specific ability. So that is what we going todo this week.

Today, we’re shining the spotlight on “Silence,” an ability that can really swing the tide of battle—if you know how to use it.

Back when I first started playing, it felt like “Silence” was both rare and a bit pricey, so every time I saw a card with this ability, I paid close attention.

Don’t ask me why—that’s just how my brain works!For whatever reason, whenever I hear “Silence,” my mind jumps straight to two things: the @psilence community member and Jeff Dunham’s 👇 (comedian).

Jeff Dunham’s

Anyway, let’s take a closer look at what makes this ability so powerful in the Splinterlands arena.


-1 magic power to all enemy units.


  1. Silence stacks but can not reduce Magic attacks to 0.
  2. Silence dies with the Unit wielding it.

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

Abilities benefits

Void - Reduces magic attack damage by half, rounded up. When paired with Silence, it can sometimes nullify the damage of your opponents magic damage
you see often a silenced paired with Imortalis

Silence - Silence is stackable if i can it try to stack it or even with summoner like

Void Armor - Useful to bring some void armor when you bring a silence unit. So when the opponent is using a magic unit it harder to gat to the health of the unit. As that with void armor magic attack should first take the armor down. Normally magic goes directly towards the health.

Demoralize / Headwinds - I like to combine it with even more abbilties that reduces the other attack points.

Ruleset benefits
Wands Out - with only magic unit, gets the most out of the silence ability

Fire & Regret / Briar Patch / Keep your distance - All these reules are favorable for silence because the change is higher that your opponent will bring a magic unit.

Be aware of rule-sets
Counterspell - Less change of magic unit being used so silence is less effective
Lost magic - of course do not bring silence when there are no magic units.

Select / favorite

Mine silence cards:

As you can see not that many and only 4 are from Chaos Legion (CORE).
So there is one that is directly my favorite with silence and that is:

No1 Card: Goblin Psychic
For me this was a no-brainer my first unit that i got with silence and it still a very often used unit here my global stats


Even while Angelic Mandarin has the numbers in favor is still like the Goblin Psychic more. Especially for its silence combined with Immortalis.

If we take a look into the specific stats of my Goblin:



Maximum mana battle so all high level unit are in the mix. Often units with high attack point so i might be smart to bring along some forcefield to nerf that.


Target Practice:

All units with magic and ranged attacks have Snipe (magic and ranged attacks target the first non-melee enemy unit behind the first position).

Heavy Hitters:
All units have Knock Out (deals double damage if the target is stunned).

Fire & Regret:
No ranged units are allowed.

The Lineup


This time i go for a nerf of magic attack do silence with void it is. This was my last summoner of the chaos legion set that i maxed out.

Units Lineup


Arkemis the Bear (lvl 7)
We start with a heavy tank with forcefield. it will not be the targeted unit because i will also bring a taunt unit.

Junker (lvl 6)
Nice reach unit that will also target the front of my opponent. I will select unit that have 4 damage so it will fall into the trap of the forcefield.

Goblin Psychic (lvl 10)
Star of this week for its silence combined with Immortalis it reduces magic damage with 2.

Thanalorian Blade (lvl 6)
See here one of my maxed epic soulbound rebellion unit. The combination of opportunity and tramples is a deadly combination.

Mycelic Slipspawn (lvl 8)
This taunt unit with forcefield is one of my favorite with there is a very high mana battle.

Uloth Dhampir (lvl 6)
In the last place with some triage healing and a important stun ability. When the stun is landed all units can do double damage with the heavy hitters ruleset.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle


Start :

Let’s dive into the opening lineup. I didn’t see the heavy hitters I anticipated—nobody on the enemy side is dishing out more than 5 damage, so Forcefield isn’t quite as essential this time. On the plus side, my double Magic damage reduction is going to come in handy, because my opponent has four Magic attackers. Plus, Arkemis the Bear’s Halving ability will chop Uriel the Purifier’s damage by half, which should give me a serious edge.

With Lily Shieldpaw on their team, I’ll have to focus my attacks on the frontline. Let’s see how this battle unfolds!

Round 1:

Alright, a couple things I didn’t fully account for going into this… First off, my Shatter ability did some work—instantly broke through my opponent’s armor, which is always a nice surprise. Also, I totally forgot that even with Lily Shieldpaw in play, Taunt still overrides her effect. So my team still focused on the Taunt unit. TIL (today I learned)!

Damage-wise, it’s scattered across the board. My opponent’s attacks are spread out, while mine are focused on the front and Taunt unit. In my opinion, that concentrated pressure is giving me a slight advantage. No major casualties yet, but momentum is definitely building.

Round 2:

I went all in on Iziar this round—and it paid off. She’s down! My team had enough sustain to keep the pressure on, and the healing kept my front line solid. Bonus highlight: Thanalorian Blade triggered the Execute ability, landing that extra hit when Iziar dropped to 2 or less HP. Love when that kicks in.

Now, here’s where it gets even better: Iziar’s Resurrect gave nearby units double buffs—two rounds of that support love. But with those units now boosted to 5+ attack, they’re running headfirst into Arkemis the Bear and Mycelic Slipspawn, both of whom reduce incoming damage to just 1. That synergy is chef’s kiss. My team setup is clearly paying off big time here.

Round 3:

Boom—Uriel the Purifier just got stunned and immediately took 8 damage. Gone. That’s a massive blow to my opponent’s team. His Redemption ability did manage to shave off 1 armor from my units, but honestly, that’s nothing compared to the value I got from taking him out.

At this point, the only real threat left is the Chaos Dragon with Scattershot. It might snipe one of my weaker backline units if it gets lucky, but I’ve got two healers in play, and they’ve been doing their job well so far. Feeling pretty confident going into the next round. This one's looking solid.

Round 4:

Another stun lands—and another deadly blow follows right after. These stuns are doing serious work this match. Honestly, it’s a good reminder for myself: when the Heavy Hitters ruleset is in play, always consider bringing a stun unit. The value it brings is just too good to ignore.

With that last knockout, my team gets a breather. The heals kick in, patching up the front line, while my opponent is down to just 3 units. The momentum is clearly in my favor now, and it’s just a matter of time.

Round 5:


It’s basically cleanup time now. My opponent’s down to their last unit—and it’s not doing much damage at all. My team is still standing strong with heals and solid defense. Just one more round and this one’s in the bag. GG incoming!

Round 6:


There you have it victory.


GG! That was a fun and well-fought match where everything just clicked. The synergy between Void, Silence, and the two healers worked like a charm—seriously kept my team alive and in control. And even though I thought Forcefield would be a waste early on, it actually came in clutch later after the Iziar buffs kicked in.

Hope you all enjoyed this breakdown—thanks for following along, and I’ll catch you in the next one. Until then, stay strong on the battlefield! 👋

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindAbility post: Blind
BloodlustAbility post: Bloodlust
CamouflageAbility post: Camouflage
ConscriptAbility post: Conscript
Close RangeAbility post: Close Range
CleanseAbility post: Cleanse
CrippleAbility post: Cripple
DeathblowAbility post: Deathblow
DemoralizeAbility post: Demoralize
DispelAbility post: Dispel
Divine ShieldAbility post: Divine Shield
DodgeAbility post: Dodge
Double StrikeAbility post: Double Strike
EnrageAbility post: Enrage
FlyingAbility post: Flying
ForcefieldAbility post: Forcefield
FuryAbility post: Fury
Giant KillerAbility post: Giant Killer
HalvingAbility post: Halving
HeadwindsAbility post: Headwinds
HealAbility post: Heal
Tank HealAbility post: Tank Heal
ImmunityAbility post: Immunity
InspireAbility post: Ispire
Knock OutAbility post: Knock Out
Last StandAbility post: Last Stand
Life LeechAbility post: Life leech
Magic ReflectAbility post: Magic Reflect
MartyrAbility post: Martyr
OpportunityAbility post: Opportunity
OppressAbility post: Oppress
PhaseAbility post: Phase
PiercingAbility post: Piercing
PoisonAbility post: Poison
ProtectAbility post: Protect
ReachAbility post: Reach
RechargeAbility post: Recharge
RedemptionAbility post: Redemption
Reflection ShieldAbility post: Reflection Shield
RepairAbility post: Repair
ResurrectAbility post: Resurrect
RetaliateAbility post: Retaliate
Return FireAbility post: Return Fire
RustAbility post: Rust
ScattershotAbility post: Scattershot
ScavengerAbility post: Scavenger
ShatterAbility post: Shatter
ShieldAbility post: Shield

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

I think you almost cover most of the game plays. New players like me learn a lot from your posts. keep them coming. Vonak !BBH