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RE: Soulbound Reward Card Proposal - Immediate and Ongoing Accessibility

in Splinterlands6 months ago

I like this one. It is a little bit pay to win, but not too much - small fish like me just have to be patient and wait a year. Crucial would be that the new reward cards are not overpowered - then it would be Pay2Win again. Instead, they have to be supporting only certain strategies, but not be almost impossible to beat (meaning, no more Quoras).

 6 months ago  

I'm of the same mind. It also allows for, and perhaps encourages, the critical marketable events - imagine you pull the equivalent to a GF Iziar in the early months of the next set and are able to earn a decent return that equates to a HUGE improvement on your playing deck and/or SPS bag?! Massive. Cheers @beelzael