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RE: KE-Ratio as a guide

in Splinterlands • last month

Thank you so much for all the effort you put into growing the Splinterlands ecosystem and for treating all of us as co-owners! 🙌 Your perspective truly captures the spirit of this community. Splinterlands isn't just a game—it's a revolution, and the solid the ecosystem is, the better for all of us! 🌟 Let's keep building together! 💪🔥
BTW can I know my KE indicator! $PIMP

 last month  

You are welcome.

KE is a public number now. Everyone is talking about it.

Check yours. Check everyone’s and spread the word

Happy getting a 1.93 and will work to improve! As I work with KPI's love all the effort you are making behind the scenes! For sure will take into account! #Vonak