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RE: Splinterlands Strategies: Land is here, almost, maybe on the 14th?

I was wondering how long it's been I thought it was 2 years but you're more spot on with three and a half years which is freakin wild! No wonder the community was getting pretty annoyed with the company myself included. But it's good to finally see we are going to be getting this thing in 4 days. I already blocked out the day for no work and all splinterlands lol

Awesome overhead snap of clearing land and honestly reminds me I need to get in the mav server again here tonight or tomorrow and test things out again. It's a great way to get familiar with everything and hit the ground running and not make very costly mistakes.

I totally agree as well picking up some cheap plots for an every day player could be a good move. Even if you just produce grain I feel like it's going to generate you some type of "passive" income from the game with very minimal work. It also sounds like after 1.5 other features should be coming online fast and I see that sparking a lot of hype by having constant updates for land, battles etc going on and keeping everything fresh instead of so stagnate like it has been for years.


There's not going to be any quick money, though Shard Mines do generate decent SPS (for now). The cost to start them is prohibitive and I won't be parting with a huge amount of TC's to kick start mine (I have 3 occupied).

I feel plots may go down even further after people realise what as sink this is going to be. Too many short term people around, and if new to crypto the long-term mentality takes time to start working.