Hey Summoners,
Lets go !!! This week challenge is unfortunately a splinter that i don't use too much as before Chaos Legion i do not have a good White Summoner. But been opening some packs recently and managed to get General Sloan to a decent level 4 to at least compete in lower Gold !! Usually i will give Life splinter a pass but thought to try to get used to General Sloan. I also had to rent a lvl 6 Feral Spirit for this Challenge...so read along and watch how a Noob Life Splinter player plays (with some mistakes too !!)
My thoughts on Feral Spirit
From the Stats the clear advantage the Feral Spirit has its his Massive Speed which usually allows him to move and attack first. Feral Spirit is traditionally used in combination with Silvershield Assasin to give it that deadly back-line destruction play. However the prices of these cards are pretty expensive as they are older Alpha/Beta/Promo cards !!
For me i am collecting cards more to the Modern format so instead i am looking at the Feral Spirit alternatives like -
Apart from the Speed which is Feral Spirit's top selling point the Stitch Leech is an awesome Alternative with the Life Leech on higher levels...giving it a huge survival options (especially against Thorns) Another huge huge huge advantage Stitch Leech has is the super cheap price to max it...currently on market a lvl 8 Leech sells for $25-30 while a lvl 7 Beta Cat cost around $250-300 !!!
Summoner - General Sloan !!
I am using this because it is my highest level White Summoner...hahaha. Fairly standard 4 cost Chaos Legion summoner with a +1 Damage to ranged attacks. White is in a great position to take advantage of this because they have pretty strong Ranged Line-up but let us see how many ranged units we can fit inside this line-up.
The Battle Rules @ Gold 2
- 28 Mana
- Water / Death / Life / Dragon Available
- Reverse Speed & No Magic
My usual go-to for this ruleset will usually be Dragon but i figured i wanna try something else since i am doing with my dailies. I first scouted my opponent and realized he was a Fire player. Battle history shows all Fire splinter and luck would have it, Fire is unavailable. So i jumped into this opportunity to see if i can finally put to action the Feral Spirit that i rented as he might not be strong in other Splinters too.
The Lineup
- Da Tank - Shieldbearer
at Level 1 its not the best for this Gold League but i cant think of any other tanks that i can use to focus their attention on. I hope with heals and armor repair he can tank thru a few rounds for my DPS to do some damage.
Support - Scavo Hireling
Needed a cheap unit for armor repairs and this fits the bill. More than a worthy replacement for the Armorsmith as it has decent health and speed. At higher levels he cannot even be targeted !!!Support - Venari Crystalsmith
A very good combo with General Sloan. She provides the heals while General Sloan buffs up her attack !!! Not many healer can claim to do decent DPSRanged DPS - Pelacor Arbalest
Life's very own Axethrower !! Double attack and buffed up by the General makes him a very good damage dealer if he can stay alive long enough. Thats why i have the Shieldbearer up front to taunt the damage.Assasin - Feral Spirit
Usually this would be super good but after i clicked Submit Team i realized my FATAL mistake...this is reverse speed and having 6 speed is a huge disadvantage. No idea how i totally forgotten this.Backline Meat shield - Fiend
Just putting this here to absorb one Sneak hit. Zero cost units are good for this.
The Battle - https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_d6608a989ed8e2f094b17d87d2fa4830&ref=bladesong
When the teams are revealed i said GG to myself, no way i am going to win this !! My melee characters are debuffed and the other side looked to be Slower(which means going first with Reverse Speed) Going into Round 1 the Cat got taken out from the Prismologist Blast, as the Fast Cat becomes Slow Cat Food due to Reverse Speed. And my Tank looks to be dying soon....Things are looking real bad....
Just before Round 2 my supports managed to repair armor and heal the Tank. Now this is where it will get interesting...Due to Legionnaire Alvar's low health and lack of armor repair my Pelacor Arbalest will be able to kill off Alvar before their Crystalsmith can heal !! Might be a possible turn-around here.
Both tanks are taken out during Round 2, and just before Round 3 the Scavo Hireling got a clutch heal that allows it to survive the Alchemist attack. Now....let us see if RNG is on our side or not ? Both The Arbalest and Prismologist have 2 speed, who will attack first ???
Still in Round 3 and my Arbalest attacks first, thereby taking out their Crystalsmith. With this the Prismologist cannot attack and there is no way the Alchemist can kill off my Scavo Hireling as it will be healed by my healer. What a turn-around !!!!
With No Way of killing my Scavo Hireling due to the constant +2 HP heals, victory is all but assured. I will just slowly burn them down. Scavo Hireling tank FTW !!
Conclusion & VICTORY
This is really a sweet win as i am clearly the lower leveled summoner here. At the end the RNG gods favoured me little more and gave me the win as it came down to luck at the end. This will probably the last few times i will use the Feral Spirit as i am focusing on building a Modern deck and unfortunately he cannot be used in Modern, so i will be focusing on the Stitch Leech instead...
I have recently begun streaming Splinterlands to share my experience with this awesome community here -
Before signing off i would like to thank the #NoSleepGang for guiding me and supporting me in this journey. Special shout-outs to @clove71 for dropping stuff on me a while back, @senseibulrog & @atomcollector For Their support by occasionally dropping by my streams and drop prizes to my fans and finally @cmmndrbawang as he helped got me started in the beginning.
Also thanks to @nane-qts for creating such amazing Dividers that i am using here.
Furthermore i would like to thank the following streamers:
@drabs587 @gank @walkingkeys @splinterlandshq @skynotik @lyerpald @thercek @gameboyali, @rentaw03, @sgt-dan @mhowii @ivarbjorn @luthien12 @skyn @splinternews And many more....my deepest apologies if i missed out your name.
Do use my referral link if this game interest you:
Killer post and breakdown fam I'm totally with you on stitch leech such a great card
ya my focus is totally on Modern format going forward
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
drabs587 tipped bladesong (x1)
(4/10) @nane-qts tipped @bladesong (x1)
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Very well writing of your battle with a sweet win.
Thank you for the shout out.
Have a slice of !PIZZA 😀