For the past few days as we inched closer to the 14th, I was beginning to feel like a kid around Christmas. Excitement, anticipation, all mixed with a little dab of diarrhea inducing worry regarding the release of the largest expansion this game/project has ever seen, had me pumped beyond belief. I mean, this is what I’ve been working towards for the better part of 2 1/2 years, and it’s all coming to a head…at least that’s what we thought. That is until our dreams were completely shattered after finding out earlier today that more delays were holding it’s release back. The nerve! SPLINTERLANDS HAS COMPLETELY RUINED MY LIFE!!!!!
At least that’s what some of the homies in Discord chat earlier today would have you believe from this most recent development. But for me, it’s just par for the course as I realize that we are all embarking on a brand new journey here. I mean…none of this shit really exists anywhere else! We are pioneers venturing down a brand new path together, and while we all are tremendously excited for it…we should fully accept that there WILL be bumps in the road.
With millions of dollars flowing through our ecosystem, isn’t it safe to say that safety should be a top concern?!? You wouldn’t think it from some of the absurd and outright entitled reactions from a core of our base today. From what we were told, there were some concerns about potential exploits and the team wanted to make sure to eliminate any possible weak or vulnerable points before going live with the largest expansion and undertaking we have seen here in 5 plus years.
But I’m ok with it. In fact, I’m more than ok with it. I’m downright relieved that there’s this much thought and concern going into this as I would hate to see some dirtbag come in and screw things up by taking advantage of a weak point. We’ve waited 3 years…what’s another couple of weeks at this point?!?
That doesn’t mean that I’m not disappointed. Of course I am. Just as you the reader have, I as well have spent countless hours these past weeks and months as the looming date neared closer, on trying to perfect my Land plans as best as I could. I have my rentals off the market which has cost me the ability to earn more DEC on those to get more plots up and running. I reclaimed all of my Runi from scholar and alt accounts too early now, and I’m certainly not dropping more Eth to reassign once again for this hopefully short while.
While all of this is disappointing, I know that the team is hard at work at trying to get us all out a truly magical experience. I appreciate all of the updates and tasty tidbits that @farpetrad has thrown us. Through all of his Death Star nukes on the Mav test server, he has really allowed us to come behind the scenes a bit and be a part of the process of making this something special with each and every update. Which reminds me…if you own land and have yet to test out to see how things look and feel, ask for access on Discord. I think that seeing just how close we truly are may help ease some concerns from some of the constant Doom & Gloomers.
That’s not to say that I don’t think there is room for improvement. My only suggestion to the team would be to simply not give a date until 99.% certain it’s a reality. The reason being is that while I love our community…we’ve simply shown that we cannot seem to handle and function in a healthy way when there are delays. All it does it get us at each others throats which makes us all look like it’s amateur hour here. Simply…don’t give dates until it’s certain. I feel like we’ve misbehaved and until we can learn to properly deal…we should lose that privilege to even get roundabout timeframes. I hope in the future, that @splinterlands the company and the the community here, can figure out how to properly send, receive, and process that information in a productive manner.
So my message to anyone reading this who’s frustrated about the delay. I get it. But try to take a deep breath. Go smoke a bowl. Meditate. Masturbate. Do whatever you have to do to not be a constant toxic drain to the community & project anytime the building blocks take a bit longer to construct than we had initially hoped. As Yaba said on Town Square earlier, a further delay of a few weeks is really a drop in the bucket, all things considered.
Land is going to be a never ending platform to build upon. One that is going to allow players unique privileges and perks not seen anywhere else in this space, and one that I’m over the moon to be a part of. We are early. All of us here, are so early to the creative innovations that are happening right before our eyes. Understand that with those developments, there will be occasional hiccups. You’ll be much happier accepting that as a reality in this particular project and space instead of…well…the alternative…
I’ll leave you with my plans and outlook for these coming weeks before we hopefully try again. I’m going to keep working on accumulating more DEC to stake to plots. That’s my main holdup at the moment. I’m going to try to secure a few more totems so that all of my Mythics, Occupied, Magical, and Legendaries have them. Im going to swap a few cards with some of you to take advantage of the PP bonuses. This calm before the storm means that I’ll be able to get more plots up and running at launch. End of story. That is a personal win in my books. VONAK!!!
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I've been resisting putting snarky comments in Mav to the tune of 'go and make some fucking IRL friends and get a life for the next two weeks'.
Honestly, a 2 week delay, talk about first world problems. And if you've actually got a life it's really no big deal.
The sad part is if it was released and there was an exploit taken advantage of, that would be way worse overall than waiting an extra couple weeks.
Two weeks, it will fly by!
Very well thought out and well put. I think it summarizes a lot of core beliefs of our community. Thanks for writing!
Thx homie! I just wish we as a community could be more United. Hopefully in time that’ll become more of a reality. Especially as the team finds its groove more as well. Thx for the love my friend!
do we actually know at what local time they are planning to release? Haven't seen that addressed
Sadly we do not. We can only speculate at this point. If the release happens at the end of the month, I’m assuming it’ll be after the regularly scheduled maintenance on that Tuesday. But I’m sure we will hear more as we inch closer.
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

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yep. we're on an epic journey to the future. What do you know... It actually took slightly longer to get to Alpha Centauri than we first imagined. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Losing unrealised value is just one of the many entertaining forms of suffering that we get to experience here on the Splinterworldship. I personally cant keep my eyes of this space, its the best entertainment. And sucks.....but its so much better than so much of the other stuff in the world which also sucks. Refill your popcorn bags and kick back....we in this for the long haul!
It also shows failure after failure to deliver a product that they sold 3 years ago. A few weeks delay lmao we have been saying that since June!!! and no the (toxic) community is not the problem, they're the ones that have stepped up and bought Rebellion to support the company and they still cant access land that they bought a very long time ago!!. I think ppl have every right to vent their frustration at being continually let down and a lot of us don't appreciate your condescendingly smug post
Sorry that we see this situation very different from each other. I guess I’m Also sorry that you think I’m being condescending and smug. 🤷♂️
Ultimately we feel the same level of disappointment. The difference is you think that it’s simply unacceptable and you just want it now, no exceptions. I think while it sucks, I’m ok with waiting a bit longer as I understand that shit happens.
Your comment was fine until the last part of the final sentence. We are all pissed off, but don't give @blewitt a hard time. I'm not as friendly as he is.
The question is…am I more friendly??? Or more smug and condescending?!?
Enjoy life in the darkness:)
Lol. The sheriff has spoken!