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RE: Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - May 16th, 2022 - 1PM Eastern!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hey mate, I read your initial post 3 days ago and have been back everyday since in the hope to see someone saying your logic is flawed or that its not true blah blah blah. Reason being the scenario you brought up is very compelling and I had hope someone much smarter then me will come and dispel it.

What you presented is actually quite frightening as the bots technically do not need to own any cards and still make money just via renting. In the end, it will be a case of bots overwhelming humans and human interest waning and all the asset values drop drastically.

Was thinking of putting a decent sum of money into the game to restart playing, but might hold back given what you have describe.


Don't let me talk you out of it.

In fact, I'm actually ramping up my buying right now.

I still believe most of what I said but I've spent days trying to poke holes in everything I wrote there and I have found a few weak points.

I mentioned this in the post but I think the most likely move from here is another rally. Before I thought it would be short lived but now I'm not so sure it won't get crazy and be meaningful to asset holders. Not financial advice.

I'm heading off to bed now but if you have questions I can try to answer them tomorrow.

Thanks for the taking the time to reply me.

No matter how I try to decipher it, it feels like the new reward system is trying to encourage grinding to get your rewards. And yes yes, ECR will play a factor, but still need to devote a decent amount of time to it. This could discourage the casual players who do not want to spend 2 hrs daily to play.

I am waiting for some other things to kick off before I cash out and drop the money here, but with so many cheap options in the crypto space, just need to figure out what goes where.