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RE: A 'Quick' Note on: Bots

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Very interesting suggestion! I don't play in Champs, but how what is the average Rshares per win?

Looking at your suggestion, a win in champs is around 400k Rshares, is that close to what it is right now. And how would we account for GF and Alpha/Beta cards and would that be too much Rshares?

On the flipside, isn't earning 999 Rshares per win quite high in Bronze?


The current formula is:
(Rating)cubed (Where rating is MIN(rating, highest rating of current Tier)
my proposal is:
Rating x BCXequ of fielded Summoner

So, as you can see- the Rshares/win would go down, quite a bit- across the board.
Ie. if your rating is 500. Currently you would earn:
500 x 500 x 500= 125000000 (divided by 1,000,000 for display purposes or 125)
whereas under my proposal, that same account would earn
500 x 1 (or 5 if they fielded a L2 Summoner or 0.1 if they fielded a Ghost Summoner)
So, instead of earning 125M Rshares- in the current system, you would earn 50, 500, or 2500- depending on the level of Summoner fielded.
As for Champs, let's say you have a rating of 4K and you win. Current system:
4,000 x 4,000 x 4,000 = 64,000,000,000 Rshares (divided by the 1M for display purposes, 64,000)
my proposal would knock that down to 4K x BCXequ of fielded Summoner, or around 450K.
So, yes- I agree that they are currently awarding 'too much Rshares' and that number should be knocked down, a LOT.

As for ECR/Alpha/Beta/Promo/GF/Win Streak/Guild adjustments to Earnings and Rewards- not suggesting anything change, there.

Learnt something new today, I did not know they divided the Rshare by 1m for display purposes.

Too much Rshares is relative to the amount need to get chests though. If you reduce the Rshares won significantly per battle, you would need to also reduce the chest requirements, if not you would need 8 wins (random guess) to get your first daily focus chest? This would make the grind even worse and discourage human players.


I agree, IF they keep the current (TERRIBLE) system- the Rshares/chest would have to be adjusted to reflect the much lower amount of Rshares awarded/win