play2earn or pay2win?

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Last few days im 0 with DEC, and play 20h per day.
I notice many bad things after lastest update in game.
This game is not play2earn anymore if you start game. How?
I will try to explain from my POV.

  1. You need invest 10 usd to buy spell book, so you invest 10 usd in game. Ok no problem
  2. You have random leagues in game, random rewards. OK no problem (for now)
  3. To earn DEC in game you need WIN games. And what is reward for your win?
    If you are master of game have all cards in game for you no problems, you win 1 game and get 250 DEC for 1 win. If you are starter u will play 20h on day make xxx wins play xxx days to get that 250 DEC.
    On start game for win you will get 0.001 DEC that is near 0. If you finish your daily mission open box you will get 1 credit that is 0.000000000 so you earn nothing, u dont get cards, if you are lucky you will get 1 DEC from box and that is that. So you will spend all your time in this game and you will earn 0.
    But if you want EARN something, on my calculation you need invest minimal 100 USD, to buy some cards for your power in silver league, so you can get 4 DEC for win. 100 wins on day x 4 DEC is 400 dec that is not bad, you can buy some cards for that, make some power every day and that is mean EARN.
    But if you dont invest money you will stay in bronze and you get nothing you spend your time of life for nothing. So from last update this game is not play2earn if you start game.
    If you are master in game for you no problems, you get 250 dec for win you can buy all cards in game, make manipulaton with prices in shop and that is OK also. Problem is GREED on big players, they take all cards for cheap price and put abnormal prices on cards and that is not OK. So for now you need invest 100 usd for your starting cards, but on this way in 1 month you will need 5x more money invest to start game. So my point is, nobody dont give 500 usd to start play game.
    Im not bad person and i say real facts. My point is new players dont have welcome in this game.
    We can speak good things, no problem, we make streams on twitch every day, support other splinterland gamers, they support us we work like one. But this post is not for good things i want speak about bad things in game. Someone can hate me for my words, but i dont attack no one.
    Im not master player, i dont have my collection (i try to make it), im yellous when someone get for win 250 dec and i play 20h on day and i cant get 250 dec that is sux. Dont forget capture rate in game, you cant play 1000 games and get same DEC, you will get lower DEC for every another win (i not say for wins in row).
    Next thing. Quest potion cost 750 DEC, you will get 5 boxes, and from that 5 boxes you will get 5 credits (i say worst luck, but that is 90% chance to get), so no one is crazy to buy potions in low league to get nothing...When i open my 3 boxes in my league and i get 3 stupid potions i want broke my PC 24 hours of waiting to get nothing...
    I dont like last patch and im not happy. I dont attack no one, i love game, i call many friends to play game, i promote game on any way, but if i call someone and they attack me because they dont earn nothing im guilty right?
    I have many ideas, i can try to help, but im small and i am nobody and nothing, but someone who waste their time on my bad english and read this mabey can help or give better ideas who know...
    I will make my collection somehow, i dont know how but i will make on hardest way, but i dont like way how someone steel cards from my nose in shop. If i find cheap card and i click card someone stole me that card in front of my nose. I hate that. Stop using BOTS and HACKS to buy cards on lower prices please we have soul dont be greedy and take all from shop please...
    Sorry again if i attack someone i dont think nothing bad, i love you all people. I just try to say some bad things about all this. If someone have good ideas can make some posts or comments you are welcome.
    Cya on twitch

You are absolutly right ! I should add another thing, at the end of the season when we want to rent gold cards to gain power to reach higher league, renter always stop the contracts because the price add increase inbetween. So we could be surprised and having our rental remove without noticing

i forget that, i lose 11 boxes on that, because i play in gold 2 and i finish with silver 2, i lose power from renting, and lose boxes from reward. So next time i will watch renting time

Totally agreed.

Unfortunately, this is the case with all games on Blockchain. A true picture of all what is wrong with the world today. Those who have a lot, they get even more, very often they use multiple accounts, bots ... and all the other... they are just losing time and interest in the game