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RE: Why I’m Leaving Ranked Play: Rebellion's Unbalanced Legacy

in Splinterlandslast month

This is the confirmation I wish I never got because you have been an active player, while ghost challenging players too. with that being said, I am in the same boat and Regrettably had being selling my splinterlands assets for the past two years. now iam left with couple of cards with NO plots. This is how i became a scholar. If you feel this way i could only imagine how new players will feel, thus not continuing to invest time or money in this Ecosystem. I fully understand the amount of time required to even come close to the top 300. IS why EVERYONE on top Rarely plays. SOOON reality will hit us faster than we expected. Here we go again with the burn'n of 80% of packs. Sure cards will hold value but where's the Volume? JUST like EBAY anyone could list the price at any amount but doesn't mean it will sell. ONLY HOPE IS $2 conclave arcana packs to at least resurrect the curiosity of the cards without breaking the bank


The great silver lining here is that it's not beyond repair. Plenty of opportunity throughout the next set + its R cards to rectify & reshape the meta. I'm optimistic :)