Battle Mage Secrets Challenge - Heavy Hitters

in Splinterlands10 months ago

Hey Splinterfans, are you having a great Splinterday? Welcome to another post in the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge! Today we are looking at the Heavy Hitters ruleset.


Heavy Hitters

All units gain the Knock Out ability


The Heavy Hitters ruleset gives all units the Knock Out ability, meaning that all monsters have double strength attack against enemy monsters that have been stunned. This is not a ruleset that I pay a lot of attention to. When most battles have three rulesets, there are other more important rulesets and battle circumstances to pay attention to. Nevertheless, I do my best to include a Stun monster in my lineup to take advantage of this ruleset. All Splinters have Stun monsters, but I prefer the Revealer in the Death Deck, as he costs little mana and is a powerful monster with other abilities, such as Immunity and Reflection Shield.

The battle I have chosen to present in today's Challenge is a Death Match, which includes the Revealer on both sides, therefore it is the perfect battle to feature.


So here we have a mid mana battle with three rulesets. Here are the stats:

Rulesets: Heavy Hitters, Tis But Scratches and Keep Your Distance
Mana cap: 30
Splinters: Death only

Here is the team I put together:


Thaddius Brood is my favourite rare Chaos Legion summoner and the first one I leveled up. He takes one magic and one health from all enemy monsters.


In first position, I have chosen the Chaos Agent. This is a risk, as he has no attack and low health. What makes him lethal is his speed (when buffed), as he has three speed manipulating abilities: Dodge, Phase and Return Fire. He will get extra speed from other monsters in the team, so this fellow will be hard to hit. I also want to keep as much mana for the rest of the team.


Putting the Riftwing behind a no-attack tank is a strategy I employ quite often, when I have other monsters in the lineup to consider. This puts a double wall there at the front and the Riftwing itself has speed manipulating skills that usually make a great difference for the overall battle.


Venari Bonesmith is fast and has 2 magic attack. He also has great abilities, including Poison, Life Leech and Dispel, making an allround powerful and usable monster in the midfield.


The Revealer is the card in question for this ruleset, hence he is in position 4: His Stun ability has the job to stun the enemy in order for another monster to knock it out.


The Supply Runner is a strong neutral monster with Swiftness and Strengthen. He is most of all here to make the Chaos Agent more resilient and to hit hard with 3 range attack.


Lira The Dark also brings Swiftness to the table, along with Opportunity and Snare. With range attack and 6 speed, there will surely be a scalp or two on her tally.


So now that the team has been put together and the strategy is in place, let's take a look at how this battle plays out:


The round began fast and Lira the Dark took out the Marksrat immediately, who martyred for Djinn Muirat behind him. Then came the Supply Runner who took 2 shield and Venary Bonesmith delivered one magic damage and a dose of poison to the enemy tank. Revealer stunned Muirat but no knockout followed. The enemy Gem Meteor attacked Lira. The Weirding Warrior made a fatal mistake and fired at Chaos Agent, missed and bit the dust with Return Fire. Then the enemy Revealer fired at Chaos Agent, also missed and took one damage.


At the beginning of Round 2, Djinn Muirat took 2 poison, leaving him with 2 health and the battle was basically already over. Lira and Supply Runner fired to get rid of the Djinn and Gem Meteor fired at Lira again and she took her leave. Revealed then took out enemy Revealer.


Round 3 was a non-event. Scavo Hireling was a sitting duck and Gem Meteor was also helpless in first position. That was a pretty weak opposition.



Chaos Agent

The Hero Of The Day Award goes to Chaos Agent, who left the field without a scratch and caused 2 backfires.

The battle itself was not much to write home about and the Heavy Hitters ruleset didn't play a role. It is an example of why I don't pay much attention to this ruleset. In other battles with Heavy Hitters it is quite rare that a knockout was triggered, at least not that I have noticed. I guess, we do need to keep it in mind, though, because the enemy could bank on it and possibly snatch victory that way. What would be interesting is to bring a team with more than one Stun monster to make sure knockouts occur but Stun itself is already very useful as it causes the enemy monster that is hit to miss a turn. That is more important to me than getting a knockout.

What is your experience with Heavy Hitters? Do you get knockouts?

In a while crocodiles and see you next week!



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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121