Hey there, fellow Splinterlands fanatics! I hope you are having a great Splinterday!
Congratulations again Splinterlands on your 6 year anniversary. The game has come a long way since it began. There have been ups and downs and a ton of changes. One such change was the recent overhaul of the reward system. Last week's POST in the Social media Challenge was about my general Splinterlands journey and today I want to go deeper into my future ambitions, which are directly related the the new reward system.
When the reward system changed recently, loot chests disappeared, which upset a lot of players, including me. Honestly, I was close to calling it a day and leaving the game altogether. I am so glad that the devs listened to the player community and reintroduced the loot chests, better still, a much better version of them! There are three types of loot chests now: Minor, Major, and Ultimate.
These are great! I tested them today and spent a bunch of glint and got some good stuff out of them. There being a lot of merits in them is nice but irritating at the same time. I worked so hard during the last 2 to 3 years to build up my gladiator collection and now you can buy Merits and they seem to be raining down on us in these new loot chests (I opened 12 gladiator packs today!) Be that as it may, I still like the change.
So now that loot chests are back, which seriously saved the day for a lot of players (the guys in my guild complained about nothing other than their sudden disappearance for days), I can get back to what I wanted to focus on: the rarity draws.
I am really glad that these are here now, because I am still waiting to pull epics and most of all, legendaries:
As you can see, I still need a few to stay competitive in Diamond League.
My future ambitions, other than playing in tier 5 brawls, is to upgrade my soulbound legendaries, which I can focus on now thanks to the rarity draws!
I have my eye on three legendaries specifically, all three of them are weapons trainers: Kulu Mastermind, Berix Snakeye and Aves Sturgis. I will only feature Kulu and Berix in today's post, as I wrote post on Aves recently, which you can read up on HERE.
Kulu Mastermind is a fantastic card! Unfortunately, I only have 4 BCX so far, which at least got me Shield. The Opportunity ability is already great and then there is Weapons Training. I would really like to experiment with him in Diamond League, so I need him maxed out. Noa The Just is also still at level 2, so I still have a way to go and some work to do. Baakjira is waiting in the wings to have his day of glory, when he will finally be a tank with attack.
I like the fact, that Kulu Mastermind can come in his own right without trainees as an Opportunity monster and can also be a solid tank with Shield. The disadvantage for my gameplay, is that the trainees behind him cannot attack unless a ruleset enables them. Maybe it is worth having a trainee sitting there idling, if he brings killer abilities to the table. Noa is pretty just there but I need to think it through more. I like Kulu, he is a megamonster but I am more interested in other weapons trainers for my gameplay.
So let's talk about my preferred weapons training ranger, Berix Snakeye.
I have 6 BCX so far, so I got to the critical level of having the True Strike ability. This is significant because he only has 2 speed. He is a tricky character. With Void Armour and 6 shield, he can be a very effective silent tank when the frontline is gone and shield the trainee behind him long enough to win the battle. That trainee will probably be Dragon Spirit. I have been waiting to get this guy for a long time and he is under 50c right now. I pulled the 6th Berix BCX from the rarity draw today, so I can start accumulating the Dragon Spirit now. I also like Kraar Xoc, too. He will get a post all to himself soon. So I see plenty of reasons to get Berix Snakeye maxed out and I can do that now with the rarity draws.
Aves Sturgis is my favourite. I got 2 BCX in Ultimate loot chests today, so great progress there but am still one short of level 3 to give him 3 magic to pass on. Evelyn Auvera is at level 3, not far enough to really make a stir. Once she is maxed out, she will come into play.
So the ultimate ambition is what most players go after: have a killer deck and a bunch of killer strategies. SPS is worthless and I don't like Rebellion. My way of dealing with this impasse is to focus on getting my soulbound reward legendaries maxed out and most epics with it. What's your take on it?
In a while, crocodile
Splinterlands is an autobattle digital card game on the Hive blockchain. The playing cards are NFTs, therefore they belong to you and you can trade, transfer or delegate them as you please. All you need to move cards and other ingame assets around is a Hive Keychain login. There are three types of battles you can play: ranked battles, brawls and tournaments. Every battle you win brings rewards, including SPS and/or loot chests containing cards, potions, packs and merits. The ingame currency is DEC and the governance token is SPS. For gladiator packs you need to earn merits through brawls and loot chests. Tournaments can bring you stacks of SPS if you play well. There are several third party card markets, including Peakmonsters.com and the best places to learn to play are PeakD and YouTube.
You haven't played before? Click HERE to get started!

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