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RE: Posting on Hive for Splinterlands players

in Splinterlands2 days ago

Some of them are good. I do read a couple here and there and some have nice images, funny comments, or simply highlight a very cool battle or a very interesting lineup. BUT the problem is there are so many mediocre ones that they drown out the good ones in my opinion. I think by and large they should add value but since they're all over the place and there are no organizational principles it makes it very hard to see what's uniquely adding value vs what's just repeat copy-pasta.

When I do battle-focused posts, I try to focus on one element (e.g. one summoner or one card) and give many examples without storytelling one single battle or whatever. Like my Nidhoggr one recently showcased 8 battles in the Blast ruleset, showing how Nid's great at those. Didn't get a ton of engagement, but I do feel it's useful if someone's wondering whether or not Nid is valuable or trying to figure out how to use him.


That's a good idea. By coincidence, I just made a post that is more like that, since it was about strategies against the Lorkus + Barashkukor combo, one that I find incredibly difficult to beat.

The thing is that I only have a certain amount of battles in my history - is there an archive for ones' battles somewhere?
I have to have an idea for an article, and then collect battles one by one in order to get enough for a post.

I do like the "round by round" storytelling, but that might be more exciting to write than to read... I'll look up some posts from others and see how it is for me :-D

Cool, I'll go check out your post :)

Tbh I'm not sure how to get a full battle history or whether that's possible. Worth asking in the tavern to see if there's a tool for that.

Will do that, thank you!

Oh, and by the way - thank you SO much for tagging Taraz. Such an amazing Blog! That was what I was looking for here. Your blog is amazing for SPL, Azircon is really cool for all those statistics and controversity, and Taraz was the real-world-philosphy-blog that I was still looking for. Huge thanks.