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RE: Rebellion Core Set Tier List | Splinterlands

in Splinterlands16 days ago

Thanks for the detailed reply TPG :)

  • Nid: Maybe. I'll think about it. Hoping he gets more Blast cards to play with in CA. But yeah that shouldn't factor into his current rating. I have higher success rate with him than the aggregate ratings show tbh. ~60% win rate, but yeah I use him maybe once a day.
  • Epics: I was surprised as well. Looked at it a couple of times but felt this was right.
  • Chaos Animator: It's in C, not D! I think B would be too high, as there are many other good no-mana choices (especially when including CL, but even if you only look at Rebellion).
 16 days ago  

Oh whoops it was in C tier and not D tier! Reading is hard ;)

Seein her next to other cards that I would definitely drop to dang near rock bottom (the poor Nimbledook Ranger + Skyspire Yak) must've thrown me off.

Cheers BT