Welcome Back and Happy Valentines day! ๐
Got a special opening today - A Gladius Case!
I've gotten these questions before:
- Why should I join a guild?
- Should I participate in brawls?
- Why are gladiators exclusive to one account and brawl fights?
Before I get into the opening lets answer these questions!
Why join a guild?

In my opinion there are 4 main reasons to join a guild:
- There is a DEC boost to your earnings.
This one is so simple it gets overlooked, the more upgraded your guild the better the boost will be.
What if they require DEC donations? ๐ฑ
You can find a guild that won't require DEC donations but also the boost in earnings will help towards donations and the other perks make it worthwhile in my opinion!
- Gives you a group of friends and community.
Guilds are a great resource for you whether it is just questions about the game or some help you need. Guild members will usually help one another out.
If you're struggling with a daily quest then ask the guild and they may delegate you stronger cards so you can win the quest!
Not to mention maybe a boost to your end of season rewards if you're lucky enough.๐
- Brawls are fun! I'll let that speak for itself
- Great way to progress your account.
Whether its guildmates helping you out as I mentioned earlier or just participating in brawls not only will you learn strategy but you also get a chance to increase your own Collection Power!
Once you earn enough merits, 2000 to be exact, you can purchase a Gladius Case.

Gladiator cards currently have the same power as Untamed thus,
- Common is 10 CP - Gold Foil is 250
- Rare is 40 CP - Gold Foil is 1000
- Epic is 200 CP - Gold Foil is 5000
- Legendary is 1000 CP - Gold Foil is 25000
This could be huge for a lower league player, do not miss your chance to get them!
So should you participate in brawls?
If your guild is ok with it then definitely!
Why are gladiators exclusive to one account and brawl fights?
Gladiators have two critical pieces to them that we need to understand.
They have a similar element to starter cards in that they are cards you can use but you cannot sell or trade them. One big difference is that they can be burned for DEC which can be a way to earn DEC through brawls although I personally don't recommend burning them.
The other difference is that they need to be unlocked and are usually quite powerful units. Their power along with their skill bloodlust makes them too powerful for general use.

People may use Grum Flameblade as an example for how Bloodlust can be used in general combat but if Grum was a Gladiator card I imagine he would have been a lower mana cost being what we see from other gladiators.
Lets compare him at base level to the Gladiator cards like Chimney Wallstop, Gorth, and Relenor Cleaver which are just common, epic, and rare while Grum is legendary.

Each of these cards has similarities to Grum some having higher speed, more damage, or the reach abilities and all are less mana cost. These cards in standard matches would be too powerful and would be overused making battles quite predictable.
Lets get onto the Gladius Case opening!
After many intense brawls I managed to earn 2047 Merits!

I purchased my pack and decided I would open it without getting the Blood Stone and Power Stone since my guild is nowhere near being able to get them yet as our store is just Level 2.

Lets give credit where its due, the animation while opening the pack is amazing! I don't want to ruin the excitement of it for anyone so I'll just show a mini tease of the start.

Let me know what you think of the opening animation when you open one!

Got 2 Rares that's better than the basic 1 rare case that is most common so I'm really happy.
Power Boost
Since the cards from the Gladius Case are double Chaos Legion Power I got a total of 110 power added to my collection from this!
Lets talk about these pulls!

A solid water tank for lower mana matches that against non magic will likely survive for a long time while getting better due to her Bloodlust ability and Shield!

Not my favourite of the pulls but will definitely work once again as a non magic counter in lower mana as the life team has solid back-row for low mana.

Can't use bloodlust at level 1 but the swiftness will increase speed of a usually slow fire team and can act as a tank against other teams since they may miss alot!

Great when paired with General Sloan as the low cost 2 ranged that would become 3 is quite impressive to go along with incredible speed!

This is the prized pull I would say since the snipe ability means Captain Katie is likely taking out cards with lower health in the back-row and getting the bloodlust effect to kick in making her a true monster in brawls!
Can't wait to open more, stay tuned.
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed, follow for more awesome content and let me know what you want to see next!
Referral: If you want to follow in my footsteps and join splinterlands, use my referral link and get started! https://splinterlands.com?ref=brojustaverage
Twitter: Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/BroJustAverage
Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd