Hi everyone,

Below is a proof of concept for a splinterlands show storyline that explores my take on many of the characters journeys and backstories. This offers its own spin on splinterlore in a deep and intense setting of the splinterlands universe.
I think this idea has a ton of potential and would love to see what you think or want me to add to it. I plan to create full season scripts of the show or as far as I can get with some help animating!
Who is the main character?
Of course there will be many heavily featured characters but for the one that our show will follow most closely...

I haven't decided on her name yet.
I thought that could be something I let the community decide. 😊
Why this character?
Having a neutral main protagonist that can travel around and get involved with all of the splinters, is essential. The protagonist being a gold foil for the sake of the show will be a hidden potential allowing for growth as we see in the real splinterlands game when cards level up!
Elven Cutthroat's Backstory
The backstory for our protagonist is that her mother Epona,

and her father Silvershield Knight

met during a battle between their two splinters. Having both survived the onslaught heavily wounded, they become close during their moments of vulnerability. While waiting over a year for their wounds to heal, deep in the earth forest they grow to love one another and get married.
Their marriage was met with much anger in the earth and life splinters. 3 months later now living together in life splinter territory Epona was pregnant.
A small war broke out 7 months later between the life and earth splinters, as the commander of the life army, Silvershield went to lead his battalion. He was murdered in battle by sneak attacks from his own team as he finds out the war was just a plan to kill him, making a statement of those who marry from other splinters.
After receiving a tip to run away somewhere she would be safe, Epona ran to the closest person she could trust. In the land of the death an old friend she knew before they became a member of the death splinter, Owster Rotwell.

This backstory would be revealed throughout the show.
Ep 01 - Land of the Flee
The episode begins with the protagonist as a 1 month old crying baby, in a woven basket at the front door of a dark cabin, in an even darker forest. We then see Owster Rotwell find her along with a note that has her "(We will decide as a community on the name)" on it along with a message we cannot see and a signature which Owster seems to recognize as he unhappily brings the baby inside.
The next part is a series of interactions between the two of them as Owster cannot bring himself to take on a father role, but instead more of a teacher. They bicker and fight but the intelligence and growth of the baby is immense. At the early age of 4 Owster gives Elven Cutthroat her first challenge, as they wander into the forest and she must fight the Maggots nearby

We watch as the battle unfolds and she prevails, by the time she is 5 the maggots stand no chance. Her next challenge is to fight the lurking Corpse Fiend

She is able to fight the corpse fiend just barely succeeding to which Owster states that he had limited the corpse fiend to its weakest state (level 1) in this battle.
It is at this point that she realizes how far she has yet to go and begins travelling off into the forest on her own to train and fight. She begins to become quite good at sneak attacking her opponents in the dark forest.
It is not until our main protagonist turns 6 where she meets her first friend. Traveling in the forest she hears a scream, running to see what has happened she finds a young dragon girl being attacked by maggots and quickly acts to save her, defeating them easily.

Slightly traumatized by the event Talia is apprehensive to talk but since she was saved by our protagonist they chat and slowly begin to become friends. Both excited having their first friend at the age of the two quickly learn to get along in the dark forest under Owster's care.
For the next year they fight together, learning as much as they can. They both do not know Owster's past and our main protagonist still has a lot to learn about her new friends' frightening experiences.
After they both turn 7 Owster decides it is time to let them move forward. He tells them about an area in the dark realm inhabited by those who were forced to flee from their original splinters. An area which is plagued by crime but filled with those who have been ostracized from their own lands.
The episode ends as the two leave to journey towards the land of the flee together.
I try to make sure that the battles in the show would have the same result in the game, there is luck involved in the game but the show will portray that as well!
Thanks for reading and follow to keep up with the show!
Referral Link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=brojustaverage
This is a very great story! I will definitely be keeping up with the show! Looking forward to another part of this series!
This is going to be very popular once it gets out. Are you just exploring storylines for now, or are you elbows deep in some animation?
It's very much in the idea state I am going to keep building out episode storylines, I would need help with the animation I don't know how to do that aspect.
You are well on your way as I could not stop reading, and in my head, I was picturing what it might look like. Great story telling, I can't wait to see how it develops 😀
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121