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RE: Boots on the Ground Marketing Effort for Splinterlands/GLX

in Splinterlands2 years ago

the problem at the moment is not the advertising, as you can see there are many more registrations than eventually spell books are bought. this must first be worked on so that people who find their way to the site are also bound. otherwise any advertising is quite inefficient, if not a waste of time.


Yes that makes sense. However, I would argue also that the normal conversion rate of a website is lower than 2 percent. Splinterlands seems to lag that but not by much.

Also, more people that join the community can have a compounding effect based on word of mouth. I just feel that there is a large community of card players that probably have no idea about Splinterlands.

we don't even go by the number of visitors like other sites, but only by the people who actually register and test the game, that so few of them buy a spellbook is hard. because if people already register to test, their interest seems to be there ;)