``Modifying reward share calculation to take in affect the level of cards used per league
If you use lower leveled cards compared to the max level for your league, then you may not earn as much as someone with maxed cards
This will affect mainly those who play with lvl 1 cards in Silver/Gold´´
what kind of crap is this, now players with skill are punished?
Modification will most likely be a boost for those using appropriate leveled cards depending on the league they are in. I'd imagine similar to the Gold Foil and Alpha/Beta/Promo boosts.
So you won't be punished if using lower levels, you will just be incentivized to use higher leveled cards. This ultimately should make each league more competitive, and will increase the card scarcity overall if more people are burning cards.
Is this the first time you realize that SPL is a pay2win game?
skill punish would be worse than pay2win ;)