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Hello guys, I'm going to start a series of card analysis by element of the game Splinterlands, I hope to help those who are starting in the game to understand the dynamics of the cards, their powers and interesting combinations to be used in battle.
We will start with the element FIRE
The cards of the fire element are characterized by the red color and are identified by the symbol below:
For those who are starting the game, this element is one of the best to use, as it has more cards with good powers in their initial levels, such as: Living Lava, Kobold Miner, Serpentine Spy, Fire Beetle.
However, the choice of deck starts with the Summoner, he can add powers to his monsters, increasing the quality of his Deck. For beginners, in the element FIRE the game will only provide the Summoner "Pyre":
He has the ability to increase the speed of his monsters by 1 point, gaining an advantage in the definition of who starts attacking.
After choosing the Summoner, we will go to choose the monsters:
1- Living Lava: Living Lava is a good tank for those who are starting in the game, it has the "Shield" power that when attacked by melee and Ranges reduces the attack damage, being a tank very resistant and important to have on the deck.
2- Kobold Miner: This piggy is another very interesting card to have. For he has the "Sneak" power that attacks the last monster on the enemy line. If you increase some levels of it, your attack speed and strength increase, and the cost benefit per MANA becomes excellent.
3- Serpentine Spy: This snake is very good, because in addition to requiring little MANA and having great speed, it has the "Opportunity" power, which attacks the monster with the least amount of health from the enemy's back line, and can be deadly in the first attack.
4- Fire Beetle: This beetle has a low MANA cost with a high amount of health, in addition to being able to attack Range and Magic monsters from the enemy's back line with its "Snipe" power. Its MANA / Life cost is very good.
The order of formation for an 18 MANA battle would be the one I informed above. For battles with less MANA, it can vary between the last three, but always keeping Living Lava in the first position. For battles with more MANA you can add other monsters that you think are useful in battle. Remember that all "Neutral" monsters can be added to battle in any element you choose.
Thanks guys, we ended our first chapter of the series. In the next one I will be bringing information about the element "Water". I hope I helped, even more and good game !!
Very cool. I loved it, I would add the Spark Pixies card, it already starts with +2 ranged damage, and it is very fast.
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Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Well done with the post.