what a great drawing, any advice for those who are starting to draw?recently I bought a huion H610PRO V2.
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what a great drawing, any advice for those who are starting to draw?recently I bought a huion H610PRO V2.
I'm glad to know that you like the drawing!Hey hey!! @bryanlz8764
Wow what a coincidence! I was recently looking for a tablet (I don't have the money yet, but I'm doing some research first ahahah) and I saw about it, I thought the features were decent! how is it?! I would like to know how it behaves, since the seller says that it is good, but it is not the same as having it in your hands!
As for the other! I keep learning every time, I can only advise you something that has worked for me in approximately 5 years.
See, practice, be a little sponge (absorb everything) and try to emulate how others do or how things look, after that little by little you go your own way..
Draw constantly, I used to do it practically every day and it was with colors, but well, I admit that I have stopped doing it so often, that is not good because you become slow!
Something that I really like is asking the person who is next to me at that moment what they think about what I am doing... that has helped me many times to fix something that perhaps I saw was right, because I am simply doing it and the truth is not that I think my works are magnificent (in fact I've never thought so hahah) but maybe I think it's fine the way I'm doing it and no, maybe there's something weird... So those comments they are valuable because they are the ones that help you improve.
See things from a very different perspective, we must try to be very self-critical with ourselves, see those mistakes that are there and sometimes we do not want to see... no conformism, always look for more!
What is magnificent now and that also helped me a lot is to watch videos, on Youtube you can find everything from how to make a nail to how to make a Concept Art! There are also videos that are very important about colors, values, anatomy, color theory and many other things that will help you get better and better.
What little I know I have learned by watching, I never went to an art school... If you like to draw, that passion will lead you to experience many incredible things!
As for the working tool, I use PS to draw with an old Wacom bamboo.
What tool do you use?
Sorry for my late response, very busy days!
oye veo que eres de venezuela,habia visto tu perfil pero no la ubicacion...yo tambien soy de venezuela ,la compre por amazon y bueno,no soy quien para decirte si es buena o mala,es la primera vez que me compro una tableta,el que me la recomendo fue @brataka ...eh dibujado varios dibujos hasta ahora tratando de ver cada error y en que mejorar....quisiera subirlos para que las personas vayan viendo mi progreso pero me quedaria sin rc jajaja...volviendo a lo de la tableta,la verdad es buena y a un buen precio,me tardo casi un mes en llegarme
Vale! yo tengo la misma vieja, ahhh si! compre esa que dices pero en Ml algo mas cara pero me llego mas rápido. La verdad es que bueno, hay ciertas cosas distintas, mi Tablet ni llega ni a los 3000 de lo de la presión, en eso se siente bastante distinto, pero algo que no me gusto es el el material, se siente susceptible o blanda haahhah, bueno, a todas estas es bueno que estas es genial que estés dibujando-.. y si! subirlo es genial!