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RE: Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - June 6th, 2022 - 10AM Eastern!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

"Additional goal was to reward the higher leagues / Incentivizes players to create high level decks over spreading cards across multiple accounts"

From my experience I have realized i am at an extreme disadvantage because I ended in Diamond but am in Gold. It currently takes me 5-7 wins to get one chest.

I know this isn't what you intended but I am seriously considering surrendering every game the last day of the season and then dropping to bronze since this is how you can maximize your rewards.

I am not alone with this thought either, YouTubes are figuring it out. I suspect next season Bronze will be flooded with Gold and Diamond players.

I still love this game but right now it doesn't make sense to be in the higher leagues, it's really time consuming and still draw potions. after all that time playing, oww oww.

Hope you can find a patch to fix this and get me excited about trying to advance instead of surrendering to earn more rewards.

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Erm.......what's the point of surrendering at EOS since they take your highest league as the basis of rewards for the next season. Unless you intend to just play Bronze league the whole season.....

Also, it depends on whether you get more of a kick having lots of chests to open or better rewards in lesser chests. Quantity vs quality.

before these changes, it was just where you ended the season, so it didn't matter if you climbed high and then dropped down, whatever you ended in, that's what counted. I haven't seen anything talking about from the team if they changed this, but I have seen other people all say different things, so I will have to just try.

As far as the rewards, it's not like i'm getting gold foil or legendary cards with Diamond chests, i'm getting the same reward cards you would get in bronze just les of them and also still getting potions. the biggest differance for me is the DEC. but with DEC being .001, I don't know, seems better to have more reward cards then higher DEC

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It wouldn't help you as it is based off the highest league you reached at any point during the previous season. You're better off just stopping at the highest league that you can comfortably win in.

if that is true then I would need to forfeit an entire season or split my cards up on multiple accounts.

both not ideal

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