Splinterlands Founder Interview: Evaluating The New/Casual Player Experience

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

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Splitnerlands co-founder aggroed sits down to speak with us about the new/casual player experience. How does it stack up vs other games? Does it need improving? When could changes potentially occur?

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good interview, thanks

Thank you for the interview.
That mobile is only 2% was surprising. I thought, most blockchain people are young and use mobile first
(contrary me old geezer).

My idea for "ingame-communications" would be, linking or embedding good Hive-articles for different FAQ questions and in-depth-guides
to various corners of the game. That would link the blockchain to the game and you wouldn't have to go to the discord.

You could rotate those articles on a weekly or bi-weekly basis on the game website. Perhaps directly at the logging-in screen. That would incentivize authors to post detailed
guides more frequently in my opinion and you would engage the Hive community in a different way.

I have the app in my Android Phone but, to be honest, I barely use it. The app is good, but it's VERY slow (at least in my mid-range android).

Sometimes I want to play the game, but get bored due waiting the app to load. I usually end up going to the PC to play the game, as it's lagless and fast.

Having an optimized app that loads fast and is easy to use will make the game even more popular and attract way more players; after all, the mobile gaming is the future.


Yeah, focussing on mobile is a good move for the future. I am oldschool and love my desktop pc but to fight a few battles on the run doesn't hurt :o).

I'm also an oldschooler with a desktop PC, so I feel you. But, liking it or not, the mobile gaming is a way larger market than the windows market; so it makes sense to develop and focus on the mobile scene.

Also, Splinterlands is a fast game, way more similar to mobile games than fully-fledged PC games.

That's true. And it's definitely a plus to build for all markets and demographics. Next couple of months/years will be epic :o).

I first got into the game on mobile interesting enough. I tend to do a fair bit of commuting to school/work, so it works well for me on mobile.

I was suprised to. Outside of streaming, I do all of my battles on the app. The app is actually much easier for me to use than the website.

I really hope that with the arrival of chaos many cards will come out strongly. Of the new type rewards there are 2 3 cards (common rare) really that I hope with some summoners they will make a big difference in the meta.:)

Could u tell me which ones do u think? I plan to buy a summoner with CL start but I dont know which...

if you are at the beginning maybe you could bet more on the rent of the summoner (much less expensive) and maybe try some opportunities on some new card :)

I plan to buy some CL packs. Maybe around 50-100. So I want to own a summoner. Which one do u recommend? White with +1 ranged sounds great!

New Player and im so happy I could get in on Chaos presale! Cant wait for December 8th! Keep up the great work!

Great stuff guys, can't wait for December 8th!

I miss the vouchers. I would be happy if the next set just did vouchers the whole sale.

Same! And I bet they will after this one sells out immediately!

I Love Uncle AGGY
He's Making me RICH !!!

Dr. Blight.jpg

Haha, that is true! This game has no doubt changed my life.

@aggroed Man the next big thing for spliterlands looks like Metaverse, I can already see the lands/plots in 3d some of the characters coming alive in 3d with motion, characters like the jester, highpriest and many more coming alive. itl be cool to see the transformations when ever possible in the future no hurry take your own time, so far you guys are one best and top in the industry, proud to be part of such a eco system which made my life live better, thank you team.

In my opinion, things have come a bit dificult for new players. One has to make a moderate inversion to get good rewards... I landed this game September 1st (wish I had earlier). Let's hope that the access to new cards of CL to every one will allow to get more CP to everyone and new in game strategies... Nice interview! By the way, I am also creating content, I leave my link in case you are interested to give a friendly hand.. https://www.splintertalk.io/@beffeater/the-mysterious-case-of-dr

Thanks for doing this interview with Aggroed. Super excited for Chaos Legion, and the future of Splinterlands. Such of fun community.

Yes splinterlands is the easiest game to get into and understand blockchain plus with the hive.chain basially covering gas fees to an amount everyday it really helps

loving this project


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I really like aggroed Love how straight to the point he is And yes I agree I am a new player and Im glad I have to invest a good bit of money before you make anything baecause now that I got 5k power Im making enough dec to pay my guild fees every week and buy cheap cards at least 1 a day now but more like 3 or 4 with this dip so it took me awhile But Im offically making enough sps and Dec to pay for the game which is awesome and the more I invest the more I can pay this game off through earning I think the lower earning is Well its really the only way with the bots but Its also well worth having to pay to earn every time I throw in 20 bucks Im making a couple more buck per week off the game. Thank you Bulldog for the great interview and the tough questions lol And thank you Aggroed for your Straight up and honest awnsers also for being so involved with the comunity and so easy to converse with. Mofo out!