Anyone thinking about setting up a bot to buy SPS then mint DEC renting

in Splinterlands2 years ago

If you get about 12% APR on renting SPS on top of staking of 16-17% so 28.5% avg which is a great option to mint the prepaid week to buy more sps and mint more dec and so on. Nodes are gettting roughly the same but I sold a few but still have 18 and plan on buying more back and possibly selling some if the price i selling soms right to have a good chance at buying back for less later. The only hive LPs i will have are a small 2000 position each in SPS-HIVE, DEC-HIVE and 1000 in DEC/SPS since hive is usuauallly a bit more manipulated than bsc or eth but leaning more toward adding to the sps eth pair and dec dai pair to farm rewards, set up a few more market makers and turn them back on with d swap to get more fills and change the bid and ask every few seconds vs 5-15 see if i can change the code if i can figure it out how to change how often it checks and put in parameters for it to move he price slowly down or up within the normal range and set buy and sell walls with a few layers and tighten the range up with constantly bonbarding orders puting in updated bids and asks based on hives price in USD converting that and also using BTCs and ETHs charts as well to review various trading strategies and automate them with the sps lps and once the software im looking at to automate is working, tracking and finding arbitrage opportunities as well as some algorithmic trading with alerts and other things put in place to pull the risk if certain things happen or pull some etc. Ill want a smart contract set up to pull liquidty when x happens and add when y happens. Also starting to think about different projects to add and have some ideas but first need to muddle though learning to code on HIVE and other blockchains but once I have more free time and am able to catch up on the almost impossible amount of work that all this healt shit has left me with while I tried to wind down some of the commplex parts of my life like having a 2000 page tax return bc I just finished my 2019 on the last day and mailed it the last minute before it closed lol and the extended statute until July ended lol. Now need to do 2020-2022 by October 15th lol. Good news and bad I wont be carrying back any losses bc i just dont want to do the work on 5 years of amending it would kill me since I absolutly hate taxes I realized after 10 years of doing it. I actually only hate them when i do them for other people I dont hate finding loopholes writing about them and applying them to my situation in order to get the most bang for my earnings and I need to calculate in detail exactly what I need to make and of what type of income like capital gains, ordinary with no self employment like trading with MTM elections, if i get disability for my back which i should that will cause a problem bc it will bring in 35 K ish a year i think FICA free which is good so actually 35K and you can work up to 10K and limited hours I beleive so ill have 8-9K each year in AGI in order to get the EIC and Savers credits, also look into grants to get free school on programing if not ill just learn myself bc I think in most cases based on my experiance I had no need for college could have learned it all at work when I worked for the firm and actually did. Working made me get all As in college and it cost my Dad 150K for al 6 years and living in a apt there. Instead literally should have taken the 150K gift invested it the entire time kept working at my 2 jobs on the weekend from friday night at the reastaurant 3-12 am then 6am to 4pm at the car wash sat for the best tipping days as well as restaurant at 5-2 am and then 7 am to 12 pm sundays and after spent my time sunday learning about tradng and crypto. If I had did that made the 50K average I did from 16-29 when I couldnt work at the firm any more and i stupidly tried starting my own realized I couldnt do it lost 70-80K in the same year I lost about that learning to trade for real then stopped and re evaluated my plans to trade and realized I was way overtrading and my losses were half from commissions in 2 days I spent like 40K in commissons and had 20-30 K in losses bc i was literallly trying to scalp very unsuccessfuly and I was very stubborn and that cost me 150K between both not admitting I should have applied for disability in 2021 the second my unemployment thing ended for the starting a busnesss which only covered 50K of the loss . At least I get money back now for 2019 like 10K then 2020 no withholdings but have like 100K in losses for tax (write off my house which at this point was only for business as my GF and I broke up and I moved home so i could write it off making it availible for rent for a year then sell it shifting income advantageously into the next year where I have only capital gains with offsetting passive losses from real estate and crypto as well as will have a NOL carryover into 2022 along with 30K in covid credits as well as 2 stimulus credits and possibly the start up version of a credit for a business starting after x date which will be my gaming businesss officially into a business so i can take advantage of the start up credits for the credits if you have declines in revenue and I did from x to y bc staking revenue went down and so did all other revenue bc of prices and since its cash accounting to can change the gross receipts to a degree when i planned by accelerating them in the first year and letting them decrease alot the second making the credit req hit and get the credits. Also if in 2022 there are the 500 a day get your test or anything to do with covid anoter 15k. Since I dont have a w2 and will likely get 35-40k upped for inflation for life which ill use to pay for my living expenses and use any extra or money I make from work up to 9K in agi so i dont risk disability bc working more would just end up in the same place me miserable with pain like now so I finally decided to just be done and take advantage of the program I have paid into when I worked bc that is what its for when working is so miserable they can stop and make there lives not as miserable. Plus im pretty much a shoe in bc of the medication and that is one of the things that it says and im perscribed almost every narcotic and weed so I can argue the rule that I cant work just bec of the medicine im prescribed each day and hopefully in 5 more months or less ill get a letter not having to fight it for a year then finnally get it but just a check for 6 months and then the weekly checks forever. Once I konw I can plan to use the discounted rent program by keeping my income below 10k ideally 18 but the disability but at 10K my rent will be limited to i think 9000 a year even at a luxury apt as I used this already bc my xs income was about 40K and she qualified for 900 a month on a 2400 a month apt lol. Ill prob go back to the same place it was super nice and get it for 900 bucks or something plus you can get food cards of like 200 a month use that to take the extra and buy food then invest that 200 every month same with internet and phone programs invest the savings agressivly for everything for at least 5 years then from 40-45 ease up a bit but still at least 60% of my cash flow re invested. Going to go the live cheaply bc you can either do well manipulating your income with a business only or business which can be splinterlands gaming so you can in years you need to get a refund or certain income level or you lose free govt stuff worth quite a bit add on the no need to commute you save 15k in health care by getting the plans subsidized bc they see 9K of what they define as work and once 9K hits I move to my solo and trade and manage positions which will be planned to disband that business in a year or two roll the solo to a IRA checkbook LLC and use it in 5 years as part of my passive income for each rollover so I can use the passive income of my IRAs protected by LLCs in the west indies and in crypto mostly so if anyone tried to get it i could say f off and leave to live some where else. My goal be completely free and mobile getting disability since that is the best option for me to supplement the work i could normally do with something even though i could make much more i just can put the time in. I can do maybe 5 hours to 10 a week if im lucky. That will allow me to just literally focus on blockchain and gaming learning how to develop and develop strategies to earn more as well as develop other defi strategies and traditonal finance portfolios blogging about my investment portfolio performance and all that and eventually have enough to attract people to invest in my investment club it will start as and then morph into a feeder fund for digital and traditional deals like the investment club im in they have billions of capital and the guy who runs it just gets small fees for each feeder of like 1% but on hundreds of millions of dollars thats pretty good and the 1% being a interest in each LLC deal being even better so he gets cash flow and comp that is subject to valuation at 0 and a 83 b election to pay cap gains tax on and amount later if certain conditions are met. What ever happens either way my goal is to once i get disability ill be able to stop working which is actually causing most of my pain bc of the stress of catching up on 2 years of things i couldnt do, the physical pain from sitting, standing, repetitive motion for more than 20 min does not allow me to work or if i force my self to cant do it for longer than a few days at 40-60 hours bc it cummulativly will get so bad without alot of pain medication. If i dont work and lower my stress to nothing with just the weed possibly wont need the morphine and oxy after i can catch up get guaranteed disability for the next 25-30 years and what I make on passive and other investments as well as write blogs and guides on how to get the most money from the govt while legally making the most cash flow possible for you and least taxable income as well as writing about how anyone in America can retire or at least supplement there income in a way that makes there life so much easier if people were not so uneducated on finance in the US. If anyone at 16 got a job making 15-20 a hour and that is usually a tipped job or started a business which i should have done but I had employee parents who just made alot of money so they never taught me the only way to make real money like money that is in the 100 million plus range is own a business or invst and do very good at it. Having a paycheck only uneless you can invest and trade the money you earn you will always have a cap on earnings and what you can have. It will be a soft cap dep on habits and all that but most ppl dont make over 100-150K in the US and many dont make over 50K which is what I made at a car wash and bussing over 15 years ago and that was working 60 hours now ppl work 60 hours for the same and have gone to college have some debt usually. I got lucky but some have 200K with a liberal arts degree and then the same job waiting making 30-40k usually then there stuck in the cycle of buy a house start a family get married etc which is all there to suck your wealth away so generations can never retire completely. My generation will be the first to have never needed to work but I did it bc i wanted more and to make my own money as well to enhance any money I get so I can create a trust to ensure my family is always taken care of for generations make sure that only 75% of the income can be spent and only if the family is pursuing something like say riding horses for a job. The thing i want to give is the power to do anything without worrying about money which will be covered by the trust hopefully letting everyone do exactly what they want and not be sucked into the illusion of freedom and choice. We have none, the TVs brain wash ppl and cause mass histaria over things to distract ppl from the messed up shit going on. The idiot masses have ssuch short memories they would elect a guy that say committed genocide within 50 years again and who knows if elections are actually real there always close and always democrats or republicans or just one democratic republic which means to me there all friends trading the precedecy to make laws tilting one or the other way and not geta big uprising bc that is how the election went and in 4 years we can change it back and get a opposite side in there if they do bad. If they do good they get 8 years. After that there set to get 400k a year which is nothing to them and then all the opportunities to speak for millions every year lol being the president has to be fucking hard but getting to jsut make millions and have a pension forever maybe for the president if they really work as much as they do but for any other elected congressman etc no unlimited 200k pension unless they serve more than any other req plus they get the same govt health plans all do not some special ones. As for pay if you have a net worth over x and you want to be a senetor or politition you dont get paid bc most have hundreds of millions bc that is what you need to be presedent these days lol. Obama has millions look at his tax returns he mad 5 million thet year before then after 400K all years of presedency bc everyting obv was in trusts earning. Which I also need to do to ensure that all my money is protected in case I have a issue with debt ever and i can then just file for bankruptcy and walk with all my assets just like all the really wealthy do just need to know how and anyone can take advantage and retire early. If you make say 25K a year and are single just in school drop the fuck out and just sit in the classes if you think there necessary or you learn shit but you dont need to pay all that for a job when you can just do you own thing or get the same paying job instead and work for 4-6 years making much more and setting yourself up to make passive income which would replace the gap in pay and allow you to work much less and for a lot less years like most likely in the most extreme cases ppl can retire at 25 with a few million from there child hood years if there smart maybe have 5 million by 25 leading to the low income estimate at 4% but really likely 10-15% but assume 5% and 5 million gets you 250K in cash flow now who would never even start a JOB but rather start projects and if they made money great if not you just take 150K a year invest in all sorts of things especially enough real estate to pay zero tax and be a re pro. paying no tax using planning will also give you a 30-50% raise every year bc you wont pay what others do no fica on re income no medicare can defer income tax forever and pass it to your kids at a stepped up tax basis to deduct again without paying for it and can kkep doing for generations. Why do you think real estate does so well and has so many wealthy owning alot of it. A guy i did had interests in 30 syndicated deals most helt 15 years and they started with 25-100K invested and were selling for 4 million in 2019 lol this guy not only had basically 30X the normal net worth for upper middle class or wealthy but got it in one deal doing nothing but earning the 100K investing it 30 times so no that will be like 120 million for him plus the hedge funds and 20 million invested in other things. If you are in school it really is worth it when your in your early primary and high schoool to literally focus on earning money only and also hang with friends , high shool is a piece of cake you dont even need to study jsut listen and you will prob get 80-90 % plus if you pass does it really matter, they make you think it does but i does not lol. Only ting that ppl look at is the latest things like started business, worked here etc they dont give a shit about school. If you cant or dont want a job start a business , a car detailing business can be started for 1500 bucks and a car and you can make a good amount like my friend made a few hundred k a year doing high end cars. I may start something like that and hire someone bc i cant do it but if i do it in my IRA and hire someone completely passive i can just chill and supervise while working on gaming or something while i pay the person like 50-75 a car and charge 200-300 which is the going full detail rate. Have entire parking garages downtown where I could do it while ppl work lol. There is a warm underground garage in the building im moving to eventually and also will have the place in st thomas where i can do what i can there for opportunties and relax as well staring at puerto rico from my porch lol. There are many ways to make money and get wealth some people may be mad at bc i learned how to legally not pay taxes , use my diability income if I get it to get that tax free by using the you can work x loophole and make sure its a tax loss like real estate and im a real estate pro for taxes as well as invest in oil gas and mineral working interests possibly if needed to reduce income fast or pay the same in tax rather have a investment. You can always not withold or pay tax in and wait invest year end and get enough deductions to use all hat money saved for taxes to invest in a cash flowing investment vs give to the govt. I know if everyone did this the world would break but anyone smart enough will do things like this and the dumb ppl will just be mindless drones work 12 hours come home watch tv eat goto bed wait for the weekend and do it again. I watch my parents they live the exact same life nothing different everyday. I would die thank god no matter what ill be left with money so I can never be forced to work bc i have to again. I can then use all my time to do things I like and go at politicians that I hate for fucking with the way i get pain relif lumping all ppl taking pain killers in with this bs opoid empidemic. There is no issue ppl would do it no matter what and keep policing it but not making it hard for patients prescribed by drs to get releif. That is what makes half the addicts lol. Plus the govt delt drugs to before lol. Which makes me ask why do we need to follow alot of rules that dont hurt ppl but could make us money that they govt just does lol. Pretty much ill find a way to break any rule I dont think is right like what they are doing with medicine and pain patients bc if i cant get disability you better beleive if i have to do anything like what i have im getting enough pain medication to not feel it if the govt feels i need to work and its more important than my health lol. Or wouldnt mind if i got a part time govt job with a 457 plan so i could add extra to my deferred money that ill roll over to a check book roth so i can get complet control of most excpt gains when im younger than 55 no penalty and then withdraw gains after. You can really set your roth up to be a supplemental income source and not sure why anyone working and that has a investment portfolio of say 200K plus is not using income to supplement there job if they hate it unless there the rare person who likes work like i like working on things i do and would do them for free thats how i know i like it. I asked ppl about work and if they like it then whether they would do it with no pay and everyone said no so I said you dont like it bc you need to be paid to go lol. If you get paid yo udont like it you tolerate it and it may be the best option but no fucker wants or would work on things they do not like if given the opp or willing to risk it on a business. I would take swings all my life if i could go back intead of working two jobs id do one then and have one business to build and have hopefully ready to cash out by 25-30. My time table is just moved back maybe 10 years so 45 is my goal now with my back issues and depending on disability and the other 40K in benefits you can extract it would be emeadiate once i get it bc id equivalently make 80K ish plus cash flow from re and others all tax exempt in my 401k IRA or just defrrred like re. by 45 I plan on my own money making me about 1-2 million a year and when i inherit anything will be likely 10-15 millino adding anohter 1-2 million a year then and allowing my sister and I to form a family partnership and trust etc to ensure anyone never worries and we have a priv fdn to donate to and still keep control of the money donating 4% a year the min and paying a salary to are kids and us to run it which is a way rich ppl deduct things and keep getting benefits from them they dont give away 99% for there health they do it as publicity and to get money for life to for there family. If all the ppl with 10 million plus were to put the money in a trust managed by a private firm who cant take a fee but would benefit each one from there share of income and everyone would be allowed to have 10 million in NW max and receive the rest as a pension but not bs investments a real asset mix of everyting no fucknig all t bills lol. If we did that the US could provide a UBI to people and also any income invested from the UBI can be over 10 million. This prob wont work bc i know i would just hide my money over 10 million somewhere or find a loophole or just move to a duel citizen country or any country with a golden visa and collect citizen ship to move when i dont like the countries laws. That is the life I want to be completely free of country , laws by being able to move anywhere i want , worry about anything via a ton of money used as a tool to solve issues and help ppl. Also most importabtly secure my families future as never working and being able to focus on learning and mastering skills insread of learning to be a cog in a factory or office. Nothing wrong with doing that but i would use it as a way to get out at all costs being stuck in the endless system they subject you to bombarding you with ways to spend like spend 30 k on a wedding or 200K to get a job making 50 and top end 200k paying off that mortgate 200-500K plus 200K spouse so in the worst case a couple making say 200K combined would buy a 500K house they can barely afford and still have 400K in debt and 100k a year each which is really 100K total cash flow for all of it. If the have kids early there really boned bc kids are expensive. I honestly dont want kids until i retire or am positive I have passive cash flow to spend my time with them not be like most and work all day spend 1-2 hours and thats it. If i have a family family it will be full time no work and ill be teaching my kids from when they can understand how to make money so they will thank me when there retiring at 20 and there friends all are in debt working 60 hours a week for a measly 60K before taxes. It would be more profitable to make 18k working from home doing a side hustle sort of thing bc you get 30-45K in benefits tax free and can shield most money with business tax acceleration of dedcutions and deferring of revenue makeing your job not taxable if you want a job of some sort to. The type , how you earn and when you earn and invest determine how easy your life will be. I other than my back have had a great life in that regard ive never worried about where food is , or any expense and have gotten everything i wanted bc i worked to which allowed me to party like a animal while saving half of it should have been 90% bc i made 10X most high school kids. If i did that i would have graduated high shool a multi millionaire with all the money i made and would have to bc it would have been invested in 2008- 2019 or 11 years plowing like 40-50K away so 500K no interest or returns imagine actually getting 15% average not that sad 5-7% advisors talk about bc there are tons of investments like real estate ive never lost in and have done 30 plus syndications worst was 5% IRR when rates rose the rest above 15% most 25% and many 30-50% IRR and I had to lie then to invest in them lol they were to dangerous but if i didnt invest i would not have had the money i needed lol. That is why I say fuck the govt and any rule that you dont think is right jsut figure out a loop hole there is always one for polititions if you look hard lol. I read law all the time to find ways to not pay tax and get more out of the govt like sucking on the the bottle and getting every drop your allowed under law. lIke going to look at govt contracts for shit see if i can get one and outsource it to someone lol. They pay really well i guess lol. YOu can mil those contracts for every dime. If the politicians were not getting wealthy off are backs then i wouldnt do any of that but if i can bend the laws not break them to get mine bc fuck if im not getting mine when others jsut do it and live the life of luxury lol. . The world is a shit place and most who play completely fair lose bc there the ones that are not as lucky as my parents to have jobs that made them alot of money and the sense to invest it all. Most list paycheck to paycheck while buying a 10 dollar coffe and 20 in cigarettes then eat out every day and buy a car that is 3X the cost they can and a house way to big with no rental to produce income. The american dream is the american prison if you listen to them you will end up the cog in the wheel never having enough to survive the stock market drops bc the rich can they dont care if they lost 90% they could still never work lol that is where you need to be to really have a free life and be a person who can be global not stuck in one place. Think about how controlled we all are we must work from 9-5 most cases , you must goto school , you need to save 15% (should be as much as possible) in mutual funds and bonds and should be ethere etfs bonds alts, crypto, commodities , hedge funds, real estate , all sorts of cash flow and investments bc then crashs wont be that bad and you can use margin when your wealthy rather than hold cash at all bc you borrow so cheap its less than inflation and the roi you get plus borrowing 10% or less is like millions you can turn into a few millon more over 3-7 years. Once you get to say 1-2 million you can start really utilizing leverage of say 5% buy into a property and pay like 4% interest until you can refi with a mortgage on it and do it again and again and agian letting ppl stuck in the 9-5 pay for your wealth to by taking all the housing payments putting them in your pocket and investing in more until you provide land hoursing storage etc stuff ppl can live without so you always have cash flow and separate the businesses incase one goes bad you lose millions and can just walk like many clients did I had one walk from 50 million and still was worth a few hundred million but the one went bankrupt it was in a company and no other assets could be touched. Even this year im moving my assets into a trust and LLC offshore so that I technically have no assets in my name or own any so on one or ppl would have a hard time getting them especially since there in crypto mostly to. They could ask but flick them off.

Im going big with my liquid cash and debt i have out just putting it all in various digital asset set ups for cash flow using that over the next 2 years to invest daily in equities to build that and private funds etc back up until its half and half then keep going. either way will have a crypto go bag where i can just leave a country in a hour with half my money no metter what.

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