My 1st Season! (Rewards and Review)

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Season Review

I've just completed my first full season! Previously, there were only 2 days left to the end of the season when I first started playing.

Overall, I clawed my way from Bronze III to Gold II just as we started to experience the server issue and 1-2 day down time. Towards the end, I was getting disconnected from almost every match and that dumped me down to Gold III. Unfortunate!
I think that it was a really good experience, learnt how to use different cards for scenario specific matches and earned quite a bit from rentals. I've also poured through almost all of @bulldog1205's videos and livestreams to learn more tactics, even though I'm barely able to form as formidable (and EXPENSIVE) a deck as his. Thanks mate, you are an inspiration!!

Observations (Or subtle rants)

I've been able to record a record 8 match losing streak followed by a 6-8 match win streak. The pattern seems to be quite obvious for me- lose during the day, win at night, even though I am more alert during the day. I just get thrashed by so many players even though with the EXACT same set up, I could have won.

Also as the new season has just started, doesn't anyone realise that almost everyone owns a Llama-Kron combo? It's ridiculously frustrating and I barely saw these in the previous season! I've resorted to playing less so that they can advance to the higher leagues first, while I take my time to climb. Talk about attrition, huh?


I suppose the rewards payout was pretty good!




Here is the tabulation:

Amount Received (Approx. amount in USD at the time of recording on 18 Aug 2021):

240 DEC (USD 1.603)
1x Temple Priest (USD0.51)
2x Ant Miner (USD 0.48)
2x Charlok Minatour (USD 0.52)
1x Efreet Elder (USD 0.56)
1x Nightmare (USD 0.25)
1x Phantasm (USD 0.24)
1x Harvester (USD 0.23)
4x Legendary Potions (160 DEC/ USD 0.16)
4x Gold Potion (200 DEC/USD 0.2)

Total earned: USD 4.753

I felt quite happy that I have more cards to level up now but the intrinsic value is still very low, especially after people nerf the market by flooding it with cards. Let's see if the prices will gradually increase after cards are being bought back up.