EPIC DRAGON VS DRAGON BATTLE WITH 99 MANA!!! Share your battle edition! ENG/ESP

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Share your battle DRAGON EDITION

Las cartas de Dragon en Splinterlands son en mi opinion las mas hermosas, con los personajes mas pintorescos e imponentes! Tambien tiene mucho que ver que los dragones esten entre mis personajes mitologicos favoritos, por eso les presto atencion especial en Splinterlands. En esta edicion de Share your battle vamos a ver una batalla epica que me toco vivir de Dragon contra Dragon y ademas con 99 de mana! Una batalla de 99 de mana te deja utilizar tu maximo potencial y tu mejor estrategia y porsupuesto tambien la de tu oponente, asi que es una oportunidad para poder presenciar un buen espectaculo!
The Dragon cards in Splinterlands are in my opinion the most beautiful, with the most picturesque and imposing characters! It also has a lot to do with the fact that dragons are among my favorite mythological characters, that's why I pay special attention to them in Splinterlands. In this edition of Share your battle we are going to see an epic battle that I had the pleasure to live from Dragon against Dragon and also with 99 mana! A 99 mana battle lets you use your full potential and your best strategy and of course also for your opponent, so it's an opportunity to see a good show!


Estaba jugando algunas batallas, ese dia habia alquilado varias cartas de dragon muy poderosas con mucho mana, dificil de poder usarlas ya que casi no estaba saliendo dragon y todas las batallas eran de un mana muy bajo y se me presenta una batalla de 99 de mana y que de paso me dejaba de usar dragon, me emocione todo y empece a armar mi estrategia a toda maquina!!! Las reglas eran simples, 99 de mana, no se podian usar arqueros y estaba la opcion de heavy hitters.
I was playing some battles, that day I had rented several very powerful dragon cards with a lot of mana, difficult to use them since almost no dragon battles was coming out and all the battles were very low mana and then I was presented with a 99 mana battle and incidentally allowed using dragon, I got excited and started putting together my strategy at full speed! The rules were simple, 99 mana, you couldn't use archers and there was the option of heavy hitters.


Vamos con la batalla que tengo por delante, les mostrare que escogi y porque lo escogi, primero empecemos por el invocador, escogi al invocador dragon DELWYN DRAGONSCALE porque da uno mas de magia y los dragones que voy a usar usaran magia, tambien me ayudare de las cartas de agua que usan magia!
Let's go with the battle that I have ahead, I will show you what I chose and why I chose it, first let's start with the summoner, I chose the summoner dragon DELWYN DRAGONSCALE because it gives one more magic and the dragons that I am going to use will use magic, I will also use the water cards that use magic!

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En primer lugar escogi al ROBO-DRAGON KNIGHT, una carta espectacular, legendario, la segunda carta de dragon con mas mana con 11, la usare como tanque porque pega fuerte con 3,es rapida con 3, tiene mucho escudo con 8, mucha vida con 9, la habilidad de void y ademas escudo divino!!! Una carta realmente poderosa e intimidante frente a cualquier tanque.
In the first place I chose the ROBO-DRAGON KNIGHT, a spectacular card, legendary, the second dragon card with the most mana with 11, I will use it as a tank because it hits hard with 3, it is fast with 3, it has a lot of shield with 8, a lot of life with 9 , the ability to void and also divine shield !!! A really powerful and intimidating card against any tank.

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En segundo lugar pongo a una de mi de agua, el legendario DJINN OSHANNUS, rapido con 5, pegando 3 de magia y habilidad de void, lo pongo de segundo porque puede ser un buen tanque en caso de que mi primer tanque caiga, algo que veo muy muy dificil pero eso lo vamos a descubrir en la batalla!
In second place I put one of my favorite water cards, the legendary DJINN OSHANNUS, very fast with 5, hitting 3 with magic and with the void ability, I put him in second because he can be a good spare tank in case my first tank falls, something that I see very difficult for real!


En tercer lugar pongo a la carta de Agua NERISSA TRIDAWN normalmente pega 3 de magia pero ahora pega 4, pega bastante fuerte y ademas tiene 9 de vida! Es una carta que debilitara mucho mas rapido el frente de mi contrincante y aguanta golpes.
In third place I put the Water card NERISSA TRIDAWN normally hits 3 magic but now hits 4 with the addition of my summoner, hits quite hard and also has 9 life! It is a card that will weaken my opponent's front much faster and will take some hits too.


En cuarto lugar pongo a la carta de agua RIVER HELLONDALE, esta puesta estrategicamente ahi ya que todas mis cartas son poderosas, tanto mi tanque como mi retaguardia asi que en caso de que uno de ellos sea eliminado esa carta lo puede volver a la vida con 1 de vida, que puede ser mucho porque restaura todo el escudo y un golpe de ventaja puede hacer la diferencia en toda la partida!
In fourth place I put the legendary water card RIVER HELLONDALE, it is strategically placed there since all my cards are powerful, both my tank and my rear, so in case one of them is eliminated that card can bring it back to life with 1 life, which can be a lot because it restores the entire shield and a bonus hit can make a difference in the whole game! This card isn't too powerful but has a powerful ability.


En quinto lugar tenemos a otro protagonista! Otra carta de dragon! El BLACK DRAGON, una carta que me encanta ya que tiene la habilidad de leech asi que se ira volviendo mas poderosa a medida que pase la batalla, la puse ahi para aguantar mas la retaguardia en caso de que la ultima carta caiga o de tenerla de ultimo recurso si la batalla lo amerita, si llega a ser mi ultima carta en pie que tenga mucha vida y quizas gane por esa razon!
In fifth place we have another protagonist! Another dragon card! The BLACK DRAGON, a legendary card that I love since it has the leech ability so it will become more powerful as the battle goes on, I put it there to hold the rear more in case the last card falls or if I have it Last resort if the battle calls for it, if it becomes my last card standing, may I have a lot of life and maybe I'll win for that reason! Hits hard too with 3 of magic so its a very decent car!

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En ultimo lugar y no menos importante tenemos una carta increible, rara tambien. Es protagonista tambien de este post! la legendaria CHAOS DRAGON Una carta de dragon que es la que mas mana usa con 14 de mana, una de las cartas que mas usa mana en el juego, es posible utilizarla gracias a que tengo 99 de mana! La puse de ultimo porque ademas de que pega muy fuerte con 4 de magia es voladora, rapida, tiene mucha vida y 4 de escudo, la unica desventaja que puede ser una ventaja es que ataca aleatoriamente asi que no se sabe hacia donde ira dirigido el golpe, es una carta de dragon muy hermosa!
Last but not least we have an incredible card, weird too. Is also a protagonist of this post! the legendary CHAOS DRAGON a dragon card that is the one that uses the most mana with 14 mana, one of the cards that uses the most mana in the whole game, it is possible to use it thanks to the fact that I have 99 mana to spend! I put it last because in addition to hitting very hard with 4 magic, it is flying, fast, has a lot of life with 10 and 4 shield, the only disadvantage that can be an advantage is that it attacks randomly so you don't know where it will hit, sometimes does a really good job attacking, it's a very beautiful dragon card too!

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Ahora si veamos la batalla, les adelanto que es emocionante! pueden verla


Now if we see the battle, I tell you that it is exciting! you can see it


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La estrategia me gusto, el resultado me gusto, no cambiaria nada de ella, todo salio a la perfeccion y los errores del rival me ayudaron a ganar esta batalla con autoridad! Si te llama la atencion jugar splinterlans puedes registrarte

AQUI y empezar a jugar!

Todas las imagenes las hice en CANVA y la mayoria de las que utilice fueron screenshots de la pagina oficial.

Hasta la proxima!

I liked the strategy, I liked the result, I wouldn't change anything about it, everything went perfectly and the rival's mistakes helped me win this battle with authority! If you are interested in playing splinterlans you can register

HERE and start playing!

I made all the images in CANVA and most of the ones I used were screenshots from the official page.

Until next time!

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