Battle Mages Secrets: It's raining Arrows!

in Splinterlands5 months ago

Hello everyone, This is @cantfoldaces participating in the Weekly Battle Mage Secrets Challenge, in the best #play2earn game out there!! #Splinterlands!!

Here's another week with another interesting Ruleset! If I remember correctly we had this ruleset a couple of Months ago and I was struggling the find a decent battle to share for that given challenge. However, I'm feeling really proud that I could've secure a couple of interesting battles that would be shared in this weekly challenge!

Going The Distance

  • Only units with ranged attacks may be used.

  • Abilities: Close Range and Return Fire should be considered.

Close Range would allow the Ranged unit to fire from the 1st Position which is crucial to maximize the potential damage and can be put on the 1st / 2nd position, naming respectively Torch Myrmidon used as Thumbnail perfectly fitting for this week's theme of the ruleset & Gargoya Devil:

Return Fire is an even more oppressive reflection ability since it's almost garantee that you'll proc the reflection damage because of the given ruleset, and one of the very monsters that comes to mind is Wave Brood

Without further ado, let's get started:


  • Mid Mana Cap 34 Mana
  • All Elements available
  • Going The Distance + Heavy Hitters

With this I have decided to go as follow:


Ability: +1 Armor & +1 Speed

Undirectly affecting the Ranged Monsters, first the +1 Speed gives the priority to my monsters to be the first to act and secondly, the +1 Armor gives the needed tankiness for the already squichy Ranged Monsters.

Tank Position

Ability: Taunt & Close Range & Void & Return Fire

A PERFECT monster for this ruleset! as it got 3 Abilities that synergize in this Ruleset:

  • Taunt attracting All the Damageto its Massive health pool at 14 Health
  • Return Fire that redirect all the received damage to the enemy attacker, slowly reducing their health
  • Close Range would allow us to put it on the 1st position and benefit from its attack at 2 Damage.
  • Void wouldn't have an impact in this ruleset

2nd Position

Ability: Life Leech + Snare + Cripple

Putting it as a secondary Tank since it can rack up some Health thanks to the Life Leech ability (at least +1 since even if it hits the Armor, Cripple procs to reduce the enemy's Max HP thus counting as Damage dealt for Life leech
Snare is usefel against flying monsters liek Gargoya Devil

3rd Position

Ability: Triage & Silence

I had originally planned to put Wave Brood on the last position to profit from the Triage ability but ended up making the change on the last minute, the Traige won't do much in this matchup.

4th Position

Ability: Swiftness + Strenghten

A great Neutral monster, in addition to that 3 Ranged Damage and High Speed, it provides the Team with another +1 Speed in addition to a little boost of Health thanks to Strenghten.

5th Position

Ability: Snipe + Camouflage + Cleanse + Amplify

An action packed set of Abilities! This monster comes second to Wave Brood!
First we get the Amplify that further increase the reflection damage namely Return Fire from the taunt monster while Cleanse will remove any negative effect that affected the Tank.
A 5 Ranged Snipe shot will obviously target the monster on the backline, if there is no armor, get ready for the One-Shot!

Here's the Link to The Battle

Pre Round 1


The enemy team came up with a rather similar team comp where he idiolize the Triage by putting the wave brood on the backline but an underlevelled comp!

Round 1


  • Back and forth damage from both teams with no casualities.
  • Obviously both Taunt monsters are taking lots of damage with the enemy Wave Brood benefitting from the Triage Heal.
  • The Return Fire is huge but unfortunately got blocked by the Kelya's Armor
  • On the other side the Damage from Sea Stalker got a huge chunk of Health from the Brood.

Round 2


  • Supply Runner draws the First Blood on the Enemy Wave Brood
  • enemy Kulu, Supply Runner and Igor Darkspear that took down ally Wave Brood all suffered a great deal of damage from the Return Fire
  • We got Merdhampir with a 11 HP Pool taking the Tank Posiiton
  • Sea Stalker terminates the Enemy Kulu.

Round 3


  • Supply Runner again first to act and comes with a second kill on enemy Angelic Mandarin, getting rid of the Triage
  • Sea Stalker takes down a second kill on Igor Darkspear
  • Merdhampir still standing strong as a tank!

Round 4


  • Triple Kill for the Suplly Runner taking down the Mirror Monster on the Enemy team
  • Angelic Mandarin finishes the battle by dealing the finishing blow to the Sultry Barmaid
  • That's the End of the Battle and the Victory that rewarded us with +20 Rating + 1.57 SPS


Here's the Link to The Battle

After Battle Commentary

  • If only we had a Ranged Tank heal that would largely benefit Wave Brood as a frontliner, sustaining all the damage while Return Fire dealing massive damage to the Enemy little Monsters
  • Putting Wave Brood on the second position could be the play if we had another Close Range Monster or Just a Tanky monster that can sustain some hits.

Thank you for reading till now and Good luck Have Fun on your Splinterlands Battles!

Make sure to take part in the Weekly battle Mage Secret here

Wanna take part in these exciting Splinterlands battles: Join me here


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