Is SPLINTERLANDS technically giving away CHAOS PRE-SALE packs for FREE?

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)


The introduction of VOUCHERS as part of the CHAOS LEGION pre-sale has been wild. Total staked SPS have risen up to a high of ~148M from the total supply of 240M.

Screenshot from 20211019 17:50:09.png

Chaos Legion Pre-sale started last October 18, 2021. At present, VOUCHER token is currently trading at the range of $20-$22. 1 VOUCHER token is required to purchase a PRE-SALE pack in addition to the base price of $4 per pack.

How do we get VOUCHERS? Vouchers can be obtained via staking SPS tokens, so in addition to the staking rewards which currently sits at 60% APR, you get airdrop VOUCHER tokens.


Assumming that you get 1 VOUCHERS token per day for every 4000 SPS staked, and a staking reward of about ~6 SPS, you are technically entitled to a single chaos legion pre-sale pack by spending nothing out from your pocket. At the end of the pre-sale, you still have your 4000 staked SPS (could be more).



While we are still at early days of the pre-sale, it would be exciting to see how this will go throughout duration of the chaos legion pre-sale.

But is participating in the pre-sale worth it? Are the benefits worth it? We will dig further into this in a separate post..

But as initial observation, at current prices, the APR of staking SPS is a whopping 276%!

SPS tokens: 4000
SPS price: $0.83
SPS value: $3,320

Daily Voucher: 1
Voucher Price: $20

Daily Percentage Rate: 0.6% ($20/$3,320)
Monthly Percentage Rate: 18% ($20/$3,320 X 30)
Annual Percentage Rate : 216% ($20/$3,320 X 30 X 12)
SPS staking APR: 60% (based from in-game interface)
Total Annual Percentage Rate: 276%

With these values, not considering the benefits of the pre-sale packs, staking SPS and earning vouchers appears to be lucrative! Hence, leaving you with the questions: Is SPS undervalued? Are VOUCHERS overvalued? I'll let you decide on that one!