[Giveaway] Road to gold league in Splinterlands - Week 1 - Showcase my Life deck

in Splinterlands3 years ago


Series introduction

This post is part of the Road to gold league series, all parts can be found here:
Road to gold league - Collection

In this series you can follow me on my journey to Gold league III in Splinterlands. I started with about 5,000 CP and have just played the game for about two month. My plan is to invest in some cards to reach 15,000 CP for Silver III league and rent the rest of these cards.

Where are we

Nothing changed from yesterday as I am waiting for my ECR to refresh before playing again, so the overview is still the same:

Collection Power15,7309,81515,000
LeagueSilver III-Gold III

My life deck

But today, lets take a look at the life deck I bought together for this series.

Actual life deck

General Sloan


Lets start with the summoner. I picked the mighty General Sloan and got him up to level 4. He was the cheapest summoner at the time I bought my deck and I personally think he should be worth much more. So he gives the direction for our cards: Let the ranged damage come!

Pelacor Conjurer


The first one is the Pelacor Conjurer, we all know him since he is a reward card. At level 5 he makes a great tank for only 2 mana with 6 health, 4 speed, Flying and Magic Reflect. What else can we dream for. I use him in nearly any match.

Venari Crystalsmith


I think Venari Crystalsmith is really powerful but for a rare its really cheap. I took her to level 4 to get her to 3 damage with general sloan. This, combined with the heal, makes her a real powerhouse.



The Prismologist is an epic card that I bought with level 2. In high mana matches this is an unit with its 4 damage with General Sloan and the Blast funcionality that will hit for another 2. She is a little pricey but I got her with bids over at peakmonsters.

Pelacor Arbalest


This one has the Double Strike abilty for the juicy two time attack each turn. At level 4 the 3 speed is also not so bad. Dealing 2x3 damage with sloan each round can be pretty hard for the opponent.

Stitch Leech


The first not ranged damage card. But I really love sneak damage and at level 4 he does 3 of them.

Portal Spinner


I really like the Portal Spinner for what he is delivering for the 5 mana. He does 4 damage with General Sloan, ok, they are random but the cost / damage ratio is still very good here.

Dax Paragon


The first magic monster in my list. I bought him at level 2 just for the Amplify. Together with the Pelacor Conjurer he is doing really great for his 2 mana.

Silvershield Sheriff


Last but not least is the Silvershield Sheriff for these high mana matches. He brings 4 damage with General Sloan to the party featured with the Snipe ability which always comes handy.

Possible additions in the future

Soul Fiend


Yeah, just another 0 mana card that is an addition for every deck, nothing more needs to be said.



Evangelist is pretty strong for some setups with her 4 attack with General Sloan and the Snare ability. But unfortunately the card is pretty expensive. Maybe I am able to pick one up in the future.



I'll be giving away 1 chaos legion pack at the end of week 1 of this series on 01/21/2022. All you have to do is to comment any of the week 1 series post, liking, reblog or follows are appreciated but not necessary. Please include your Hive username for sending the pack.

I will pick the winner randomly from all the comments on the week 1 posts of this series, so good luck to you! For

If you like this series, follow me to never miss a post of this series.

Tomorrow I'll showcase my life deck, so stay tuned!


Good luck out there! Just scrapped my way into Bronze I so it's instructive to see what lies ahead. HIVE username is @jfuji 😃

Interesting! I'm lack of life deck, hope for winning something ))
IGN: @vapokill

Interesting, do you play most with Fire/Life or do you prefer other summoners?

Right now I'm on Bronze 1, so I'm trying to set a strategy to get up to silver while being self-sufficient (and "profitable").

I mainly play a mix of Life / Fire / Water (My water deck poast will come tomorrow). But right now I love Life but I think its in a bad state.

I think I have played you in Silver.
Good write-up. Dax Paragon is great! I also use him with DJINN CHWALA with a Dragon/Life setup

Hopefully I won :)

Some great content! You earned my follow and can count me in to the giveaway :)

Great post! looking forward to the next one! IGN @brojustaverage

Like the explanation/analysis for choices. I've been featuring your Road to Gold series in my daily Splinterlands Digests and on Twitter. Keep up the good work. IGN @globalwarming

Nice post
any change on a pack is great so count me in:

ign: beaker007

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121