Splinterlands Season 66 is over, Time to buy Glint Rewards Cards!


I am SO excited for today. This was by far my best season to date (well since coming back to Splinterlands recently). I got up to Silver 3 and was there for a lot of the season honestly!

Season End - Silver 3.png

And because of that I got the most Glint I have gotten yet!

Screenshot 6 minutes before end of seasonWhat it looked like at start of new season
End of Season Glint Amount before Maitenance.pngEnd of Season Glint Amount TOTAL.png

That is 30,052 Glint for me to spend (realistically I earned 14,978 Glint from battles and since I didn't spend any during last season that is 29,956 Glint earned this season with 96 leftover from last season)

During the maintenance I was already planning out what I was going to buy and here it is!


Yes I was bored during the maintenance and I planned it out in Notepad... sue me!

First up was my Gold Foil Rare Card for 15,000 Glint!

Gold Foil Rare Card.png

It's a new card to me so I am stoked! (I ended up getting a non Gold one later too)

Next up was 10 Rare Draws for 7,500 Glint!

10 Rare Cards.png

I did not have any Commander Slade so I am stoked to get 4 of him. I also got a non Gold Thunderhoof Nomad which is whatever now that I got a Gold Foil version of her.

I do LOVE Drybone Meglodon so having another one of him is never a bad thing!

Finally we have our Epic Draw for 7,500 Glint!

Epic Card.png

Olivia Of the Brook, she looks like a beast and I don't have her so this is awesome!


Now let's look at how many of the Rebellion Reward cards I have.


I am not counting Gold Cards because I have all the 12 Common Rebellion Reward cards now! WOOHOO!
Common Cards.png


I am still missing 3 Rare cards but I am hoping at the end of this season to close this out and have all 12 Rare Rebellion Rewards Cards.

Rare Cards.png


I have 4 out of 7 of the Epic Rebellion Reward Cards. Not bad but the 3 I missing are the 3 I really want haha.

Epic Cards.png


And yeah well I don't have any Legendary because I don't have those kind of deep pockets.

0 out of 12... OUCH!

Legendary Cards.png


That is it for my Season 66 Glint Reward and Gwen Glint Shop purchases. All in All this was a great season! I can't wait to test out everything new in Season 67! Tomorrow I will have my SplinterStats report with more details on how I really did! I can't wait!


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