Hello fellow Splinterlanders. Just wanted to let you know that I am new to splintertalk and hoping to get into the disscusion.
Thought I would share a rental strategy that I have been using to help me get some wins in the silver Leagues. This is mainly a 2 card strategy involving the summoner Scarred Llama Mage and Kron the Undying. This should work even with level one versions of both cards. The Scarred Llama Mage provides +2 to health along with the buffs of Last stand and cleanse. Kron comes with a basic healing ability, and 10 health,(12 with Scarred Llama Mage) 3 magic damage(5 after Last stand) and if he is left as the Last Man standing, he should be healing for 6 health per turn, which can be tough to go threw. You can use any cards to fill in but if your placing Kron in the backrow, you need to be carefull for those teams with lots of sneak so that Kron is not sent to his grave early.
Right now, prices for Kron to rent are about 50-70 Dec a day, while Scarred Llama Mage are a lil higher at around 65-85 Dec a day.
There cards definatly made me feel like I was winning a lot more often, and I was able to move my Dec total Up by over 200 Dec after the rental fees.
Hope this helps
Thanks for reading
I solid strategy but requires a lot of DEC. I prefer to own cards, while you don't get powerhouse cards like the ones mentioned above you can beef up some common and rare cards that allow you to compete at solid win rate. Now I will admit for newer players, who haven't had the chance to buy lots of commons when they were going for .02 and .03 cents USD, this is a good opportunity for newer players.
It would of been really nice to be around when commons were going for that cheep. I bet the golds were going at discount rates then too. I got one card that boosted my power up 40K early on, (a level 4 gold pyromancer) so I have been in silver and am looking for a cheep way to win up there. I really like renting cards, as it gives me something to look forward too later on in getting. Although the price tag on those 2 cards would be almost a grand.
It's an even dealier combo in bronze as there is no effective counter to it :) Some summoners don't even both to fill out a team with him if its a low power fight. Also possible to make a similar combo with earth elemental as it costs a lot less than Kron to rent. It's generally seen as a cheap combo but it certainly is effective.
Totally agree with the fights under 25 power. Really hard to beat the combo. I noticed that Under 17 power fights that the stonesplitter orc with retaliate seems to pretty beastly. About the earth elemental, how does that work?
Earth Elemental. Base 10 health. 12 with Llama. 18 with last stand. Regenerates 6 health per turn and has attack or 3 or 5 (depending on level) once last stand kicks in. It only costs 6 so llama/elemental only 13 power. At 13 power nothing can deal out more than 6 damage per turn so elemental wipes out any opposition. In the odd case of armored defender with repair support the elemental won't be able to damage the opponent but once fatigue kicks in the elemental still wins in the end.
Would you by any chance be talking about the flesh golem? I see that at level 5 it has the 10 health along with 3 attack and healing. This would do exactly what you said at the 6 power cost. Also i have noticed the Flesh Golem to be a very worthy tank, especially with the healing it gets after level 3.
Sorry, your absolutely right. It is the flesh golem. Get the names wrong on occassion :) It is my favorite earth tank though.