IS the quest potion WORTH it? UNLUCKY EDITION - Day2

in Splinterlands4 years ago

DAY 2 with quest potions

Hi guys,

welcome back to day 2 of the quest potion trials.
today it took me like ages to finish the earth quest.
I feel like in bronze with only starter cards earth really shines in specific matchup such as a counter to water with heavy magic.
but anyway i found enough favorable matches to get the quest done.

So without further ado here are the rewards from today:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-20 um 10.47.55.png

SO YEAH.... That's a lot of potions >_<

ok here we go to


So lets look at the numbers:
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-20 um 10.56.44.png

So obviously if u look at the pure numbers, it was even better than yesterday.
But to be honest so many potions feel a bit frustrating in the current environment.

Lets hope tomorrow yields better result :)

Happy DEC hunting!