the game changed like CRAZY for me in just a few days - here's WHY

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Ok guys what the hell :D

this is my rating like a week ago

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-12 um 20.22.17.png

and this is me right now!

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-17 um 09.34.24.png

rental costs are so goddamn high right now :(

i play this game for 3 seasons now and when i started rentals where crazy cheap compared to the prices now.
i could rent max level cards, reach diamond/Challenger and still earn good dec (peaked at 11k dec while still renting earth, life and dragon max level splinters). and now this would cost over 3000 dec a day!!
so now way without being lucky like hell, that i can make this back with winning games.
so decided to let all rentals go to hell and see what i can do in this new season.

and damn this game is way different in bronze league with no cards :D

ok now i am here at season start crawling in bronze 3 and playing with only the basic cards.
it feels "refreshing" to be honest, though the complexity just isnt there.
it just hurts when i now earn 0,1 dec a game compared to 100 dec just a few days ago.

so i will be trying to figure out where to go from here.

wish you all the best success for the season start!!


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